Tag : Indian Street Photography

Between Imagination And Intuition – Street Photography Series By Arup Biswas

In spite of all business in life something imaginations and intuition always works in our mind simultaneously. When I pour My-self in shooting then this imaginations and intuitions work on my mind and heart also. All pictures have a words but few of them have thousands words, when instant intuition…

13 Winning Entries Of Soul Of Kolkata Photography Contest

Soul of Kolkata photo contest and exhibition presented by ITC Sonar in association with Streets of Kolkata succinctly captured moments which celebrate Kolkata in its most ardent and resplendent glory. The contest called for entries across various categories. 13 winning entries are selected and 13 more special mentions would be…

Devansh Jhaveri – This Indian Photographer Inspires Us With A Clear Vision For Street Photography

Very interesting juxtapositions on street photography from Devansh Jhaveri. In this amazing interview with us, Devansh reveals a lot on his knowledge towards photography, various concepts and his understanding beyond this certain genre. Speaking about his photographs, there is a clever balance of compositions and color schema within his portfolio,…

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