Category : Photo Stories

Modern Nomads: Amazing Photo Series By Callie Eh

Modern Nomads: Amazing Photo Series By Callie Eh

Mongolia is a landlocked country located between China and Russia. It is a vast emptiness that links land and sky and is one of the last few places on the planet where nomadic life is still a living tradition. Mongolia may have various geopolitical, cultural, and geographical meanings. Mongolia consists…

Bears Of Finland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Bears Of Finland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Photographing bears in Finland was an exciting and unforgettable experience that became one of the photographic highlights of a rather strange 2020. It’s hard to explain the feeling of having these massive animals at only an arm-length away; it’s simply something that must be experienced. It was astonishing to have…

Above Greenland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Above Greenland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Visiting the West Coast of Greenland is a bittersweet experience. My visits here are without a doubt some of my photographic highlights but it’s also alarming hearing the local residents talk about how climate change is affecting their beloved land. They talk about icebergs that were over a hundred meters…

Sunyata The Ultimate Void: Fine Art Street Photography By Madhur Dhingra

Śūnyatā The Ultimate Void: Fine Art Street Photography By Madhur Dhingra

These images are a part of a personal journey where I search for answers to some fundamental questions about life, its meaning, and purpose and then later my understanding about the nature of ‘Reality’. This quest took me to every nook and corner of India meeting sadhus, philosophers, scientists and…

Teleport: Photo Series By Cristobal Carretero Cassinello

Teleport: Photo Series By Cristóbal Carretero Cassinello

Teleport it´s a photographic work that will make us dream at the speed of light, it will make us accomplices of the great Argonaut journey of matter through space-time, described in Albert Eninstein’s equations of general relativity. Wormholes that lie in apparent invisibility, will reveal to us a new temporal…

Inner Soul: Heartful Photo Series By Farida Alam

Inner Soul: Heartful Photo Series By Farida Alam

Mind and soul are two concepts that are closely relater yet very distinct from one another. They both come from the inner part of a human being, Particularly his brain and maybe his Heart. The soul is the spiritual nature of humankind. It is the intangible essence of humankind, and…

Covid-19 Pain and Crisis In Life By Shaibal Nandi

Covid-19 Pain and Crisis In Life By Shaibal Nandi

The people of world are in a distressed condition from physically, mentally, economically, socially due to outbreak of Covid- 19 virus. The world is suffering with huge work loss and poverty resulting to overall sadness coupled with depression in present time due to the pandemic situation arises out of COVID-…

Sleeping Tales: Photo Series By Abu Rasel Rony

It’s time to rest. And it’s also time for the world to wake up to an enlightened dawn. Without sleep, awakenings never happen. They come hand in hand just like joys and sorrows. Every time we sleep and get into the world of the sub-conscious, do we ever wonder if…

Rakher Upobash In The Time Of Corona By Sumsun Naher

Rakher Upobash In The Time Of Corona By Sumsun Naher

RakherUpobash” or Kartik brot” is a worshipping ritual, which is organized every year in the different branches of SreeLucknathBrahmacharya’s sanctuary. Baba Lucknath was an 18th-century devout Hindu saint and a philosopher. During the last fifteen days of the Bengali month Karthik; in remembrance of Baba Lucknath, and for ensuring the…

Gypsy Community of Bangladesh By Farzana Akhtar

Gypsy Community of Bangladesh By Farzana Akhtar

This story is an ongoing project, I have worked on a project that highlights the bedey or gypsy community of our country. Most of them work as hawker and Singa (gets rid of people’s teeth worms and relieves muscle pain). Although these professions are respected, not much financial support can…

Woman In A Man's World By Alankrita Singh

Woman In A Man’s World By Alankrita Singh

I am a womb. A womb that nurtures and cares. A womb the creates you and creates me. A womb, that when nurtures, knows no difference between you and me. A womb that when delivers, knows no difference between you and me. A womb that is revered when it delivers…

Dalit Colonies Of Dhaka, Bangladesh By Saiful Amin Kazal

Dalit Colonies Of Dhaka, Bangladesh By Saiful Amin Kazal

Moghal emperor Islam Khan in 1608 established capital in Dhaka. From that period the sweepers have been employed to ensure the municipal facility for the commuters. In the 18th century when the British Government established its new administration, it becomes necessary to employ a huge number of sweepers to clean…

Kumartuli: Where Humans Create Gods By Avishek Majumder

Kumartuli: Where Humans Create Gods By Avishek Majumder

Kumartuli is known for its traditional potters’ quarters. It is home to several talented potters who toil tirelessly to create clay idols for several generations. I have always wondered how these beautiful idols are sculpted, how long it takes to craft the idol so intricately. So whenever I get an…

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