Tag : Landscape Photography

What Do Artists Do All Day – A Beautiful Documentary about Albert Watson

A Beautiful Documentary by BBC about Albert Watson when he photograph Landscapes in Scotland. Must watch by photography enthusiasts. Edinburgh-born Albert Watson is one of the world’s most successful commercial and fashion photographers. He has lived in the US for over 30 years, where he has photographed more than 100…

An Ultimate Ebook for Mastering the Art of Composition by Ian Plant

What makes a great photograph? Is there any one aspect of the process which separates the merely good from the truly magnificent? Many candidates immediately spring to mind, such as subject matter, light, mood, and moment. One aspect clearly rises above the rest, and is the thread which ties all…

Pygmalion Karatzas – Most Compelling Long Exposure Photography

An amazing artist from Greece. What I really like from Karatzas, he is very humble and very true with his work. Karatzas studied architecture in Budapest, urban design in Edinburgh and ecovillage design education at Findhorn. Since 2012 he’s been involved more systematically with fine art / long exposure and…

Andrei Reinol – A Passionate Landscape Photographer from Estonia, Europe

A very passionate nature photographer from Estonia, Andrei Reinol gets us in awe with his ingenious nature photographs. When asked about how he plans his shoot and description over his style of photography, his answers really are as elegant as his photographs. His theory and his motto behind the journey…

10 Inspiring Articles Focusing on Landscape Photography

Photographers take landscape photographs in pursuit of nature devoted of human influence. Ambient light, strong defined landforms, and weather conditions are the main elements of a fantastic landscape photo. These days there are no strict boundaries: industrial areas, classic nature photography along with urban scales create today’s landscape photography. In…

The Beauty of Eiffel Tower from various Photographers

Named after a french civil engineer Gustave Eiffel, this tower stands tall over period of time. Here in this post of ours, we have collected some amazing pictures of Eiffel tower over the years, these pictures show us how modernization has its impact on this tower and humanity.The tower its…

Landscape Photographer Portfolios for Inspiration – Part1

Beyond the clouds and the ecstasy of what these mountains, valleys and endless oceans could speak there remains a landscape filled with silence and so much for our astonishment. A Zen Proverb says, Mountains keep flowing while the river remains passive and stands tall midst the chaos around time and conscience. These Landscapes and…

Interview with Nature Photographer Ian Plant

An Introduction about you I’m a full-time professional nature photographer. My photographs have appeared in a number of books, calendars, and magazines, including Outdoor Photographer and Popular Photography. I also write a regular blog column for Outdoor Photographer online, as well as my own personal photoblog. Can you please share…

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