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Interview with Veteran Documentary Photographer Stephen Shames

Stephen Shames is one of the most powerful names in documentary photography. Stephen is a veteran American photojournalist who has been with his camera for more than 45 years now. His work has most importantly covered child poverty, racial issues, various solutions to poverty and much more. In this Interview…

Top 25 Positive Photography Tutorials of 2013 – A Genial Roundup

Tutorials no matter what genre they represent, had always earned warm applause from our readers. Interesting how to’s and realistic tips  for any photographer had been our motto behind writing these tutorials. In a way, our articles have been slightly advanced level since our fans & readers demand such diversity…

Most Memorable Photography Galleries in 2013 – A Roundup

A particular theme or a visual story gains more domination when we add a few incredible photographs to assist the basic idea for curating any photo gallery. This process of enriching the visual story had been presented by us through some surprising and deviant galleries over the years. Since we…

Martin Parr – Inspiration from Masters of Photography

Martin Parr is a British Photographer. Known extensively for most of his photographic projects which were some pictorial representations of various critical aspects of modern life mostly cornering on the suburban life of England. Right from his teenage, Martin always wanted to be a photographer, hugely gaining inspiration from his…

101 Inspiring Photography Quotes

Quotes We mean inspiring words, which would pronounce every letter of elegance and the noble way of doing photography. So many words with extreme clarity and intense synonym all making you march towards the undying passion for photography and what not. This Post gives you some spellbinding quotes you always…

Analyzing the Iconic Pictures – Part 4

To Continue with our last post, this is yet another breakdown of groundbreaking work from our masters of photography. Analyzing some iconic photographs would be one of interesting aspects of photography, for it provides an in-depth analysis and idea to all the aspirants in this field. As always, looking at…

Photography Books from the Masters – Part 6

It is always grand to hear it from the Masters of Photography. The Forms of photography drifting between art and various cultures doesn’t need any introduction. One need to feel the pictures in book (printed media), rather than starring it on our computer screens, the amount of emotions and truth…

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