Check these amazing surreal photo manipulation work by Romanian photographer and digital artist Caras Ionut. Follow Caras Ionut on the Web: Website, Facebook, Interview (h/t: Imgur)…

Check these amazing surreal photo manipulation work by Romanian photographer and digital artist Caras Ionut. Follow Caras Ionut on the Web: Website, Facebook, Interview (h/t: Imgur)…
Ana showcase some of the interesting travel portraits we have come across in recent times. There seems to be more clarity and vision within her works and what makes them stand out is the connection they tend to make with the onlooker. Ana gives us the reason behind such fascinating…
Travel Photographer Albert Dros captured these beautiful photos of his own country Netherlands. He captured these photos over a period of around 1 year. Follow his website and social links for regular updates. Follow Albert Dros on the Web: Website, Facebook, Instagram (View photos on Boredpanda) …
To be considered a road photographer for all seasons is no easy task and Giorgos Kasapidis has already earned that title. We wanted to bring you a fantastic out of the box street photography and no wonder we struck on Giorgos beautiful portfolio. The pictures here are splendid touch between…
Every year ‘Hujur Saheber Mela‘ is held annually along the international border between India and Bangladesh on 5th and 6th day of the Bengali Calendar month of Phalgun (February). This fair serves as a unique bridge between the two nations, just near the zero-line on the India-Bangladesh International Border at…
Meet this inspiring photographer who has done wonders with light shadows and interesting compositions. Jose Luis Barcia is from Spain and loves street photography for the surprises it gives. Jose wants to travel more and starts to tell us how his love for street genre happened in this fine interview…
Think before you shoot… Here are 7 thoughts from world-renowned artist Roger Ballen. We are sharing this video from COOPH. Follow their Youtube channel for regular updates. About Roger Ballen Roger Ballen born in New York City in 1950. He is an American photographer living in Johannesburg, South Africa, and…
This is Vasco Trancoso for you, having retired being a medical practitioner, Vasco started to revamp his good old passion which is looking phenomenal now after few years. This is one of the finest interviews we had in recent times with a street photographer, for the amount of knowledge Vasco…
Nadia Maria is from Brazil who creates stunning fine-art photography showing a beautiful glimpse into her vision of art. In this brief interview, she tells some exciting things on her love for photography. Like most of the great photographers, she too got her first camera from a close person in…
They taught us the meaning of photography, the very smell of composition and the beautiful essence of lights and shadows. Their works teach us great insights on all aspects of photography. To say the least, We are happy to get some online presence of these stupendous works. In this post…
For most of us, Inspiration and admiration does happen through the Magnum Photographers and Jan Gott is no exception to be added to this list. In this brief interview with, Jan tells us how a workshop with magnum changed his stint as a photographer. He feels that photography is…
Photography is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, many people dream of becoming a professional photographer. Turning a hobby into a full-time career is by no means easy and will take loads a practice, studying and hard work. It took me over three years to fully transition…
“Behind every face is a mask and behind that is a story.” – Marty Rubin What is a mask? A mask is a tool that one may use to alter one’s exterior appearance, and sometimes one’s personality also, temporarily. The influence of a mask may be very personal or have…
Fine Art Landscape and Conceptual photographer Toma Bonciu working on series called “Stories of the forests”. From last 3 years he is trying to recreate that magic land where all the stories of his childhood took place. Follow Toma Bonciu on the Web: Website (View photos on Boredpanda) …
It was just another Sunday and time for us photopals for an outing; this time we decided to explore the middle class travel on the Badampahar special. This train travels to Badampahar, a small mining area in the Mayurbhanj district of Odisha. This is the only train moving from Tatanagar…
Adrian Murray captured his children enjoying the great indoors during icy cold months. These pictures are really amazing light and warmth of being indoors. Follow Adrian Murray on the Web: Website, Instagram (View photos on Boredpanda) …