Tag : Photo Gallery

Above Greenland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Above Greenland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Visiting the West Coast of Greenland is a bittersweet experience. My visits here are without a doubt some of my photographic highlights but it’s also alarming hearing the local residents talk about how climate change is affecting their beloved land. They talk about icebergs that were over a hundred meters…

The Quarried: Marble Quarrying In Northern Tuscany By Roland Kramer

The Quarried: Marble Quarrying In Northern Tuscany By Roland Krämer

The Quarried Series is a documentary series & a visual exploration of marble quarrying in Carrara. At the northernmost tip of Tuscany, one of the world’s finest & renowned marble is getting quarried. The Carrara Marble. A white or blue-grey marble that is used for sculpturing, architecture & interior decoration…

The Winning Photos Of Nature Photographer Of The Year 2020

The Winning Photos Of Nature Photographer Of The Year 2020

Nature Photographer of the Year is a Nature Photography contest that celebrates the beauty of nature photography. While traveling is not on the table at this point in our pandemic lives, looking at nature photography can also provide a form of mental escape. Various studies have shown that it has…

The Winning Photos Of 2020 Budapest International Foto Awards

The Winning Photos Of 2020 Budapest International Foto Awards (BIFA)

The Budapest International Foto Awards honors its winning photographers from around the world. It seems like this year—even though it was a hard one—helped creative minds flourish all over the world. The Budapest International Foto Awards just published their winners and the photographs are as breathtaking as they are thought-provoking.…

Winners Of The Black And White Photography Competition By Independent Photographer

Winners Of The Black And White Photography Competition By Independent Photographer

The Independent Photographer, an international network of photography enthusiasts & photographers, has announced the winners of its Black & White Photography Contest. Regardless of genres, we wanted to celebrate the beauty and wealth of Black & White photography. Be it in street, fashion, portrait, landscape, documentary, or any other form…

Photographer Luce Lapadula Reveal Intimate Moments Of Everyday Life

Photographer Luce Lapadula Reveal Intimate Moments Of Everyday Life

Alongside societal changes, photographers are turning their lenses away from stereotype images to celebrate themes such as acceptance, vulnerability, uniqueness, and self-confidence. Imperfections are, in fact, by all means, what human beings are made of, and when it is not, that is merely constructed, and dare to say, imposed by…

GuruShots Winning Images From The Power of Minimalism Challenge

GuruShots Winning Images From The Power of Minimalism Challenge

We teamed up again with the world’s leading photo game GuruShots to showcase the winning images from the Power of Minimalism photography challenge. By competing in epic challenges against millions of photographers, you can get instant feedback and exposure from over three billion monthly votes and increase your ranking from…

Falling Beauty: A Study of Beauty and Decay By Rene Algesheimer

Falling Beauty: A Study of Beauty and Decay By René Algesheimer

Glacier caves – the Amber Rooms of nature. These beautiful arrangements of cyanic blues allow a look back into the history of these glacier. The striking black lines tell a long rigmarole from past volcanic eruptions. Although beautiful creatures these caves emerge for sad reasons. Through global warming, melting water…

Phantasmagoria: A Sequence Of Real Or Imaginary Photographs In Dream

Phantasmagoria: A Sequence Of Real Or Imaginary Photographs In Dream

Phantasmagoria: A sequence of real or imaginary photographs in dreams captured by Erik Witsoe. Erik Witsoe is a Seattle photographer based in Warsaw, Poland. His approach to photography is largely inspired by cinema which you’ll find reflected throughout his portfolio. His work has been featured in the pages of many…

Different Types Of Rebirth: Photo Series By Marta Syrko

Different Types Of Rebirth: Stunning Series By Marta Syrko

Marta Syrko is a photographer from Lviv, Ukraine. Her range varying between fashion and cinematic imagery. She is highly qualified with natural and studio lighting. Her main kinds of photography are portrait, fashion, and fine art photography. When Mara Syrko talking about this series of photos “It was shooting for…

Photographer Renate van Lith Amazingly Captured Raw And Powerful Side Of Birth

Photographer Renate van Lith Amazingly Captured Raw And Powerful Side Of Birth

Last week I woke up with good news. I have been awarded the title of International Birth Photographer of the Year 2020 at the Birth Photographer International Image Competition (BPIIC). Not only thanks to my photos, but also because of my commitment to the community of birth photographers. I was…

Italian Artist Fabio Interra Captures Mystical Photographs

Italian Artist Fabio Interra Captures Mystical Photographs That Portray His Inner Emotions

Art is a doorway through the inner and the outer world, a form of manifestation of the unconsciousness, and a bridge between the divine and human life. The spotlight where emotions are revealed, represented into forms without a definite definition. Through lines, colors, and shapes, humans convey their limitless of…

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