Category : Photo Stories

OCEANUS – Marine Geophysical Survey In Anfeh Lebanon By Pygmalion Karatzas

Research team: Laboratory of Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography of the University of Patras Greece Photography: Pygmalion Karatzas It was a privilege to be asked by prof. Giorgos Papatheodorou to join and document their marine geophysical surveying of the Anfeh region in Lebanon. The OCEANUS team of the University of…

DejaVu: Street Photography Project By Htet T San

DejaVu is a street photography project inspired by Pop Culture, Social Media, Movie Posters, and Daily Entertainments we surround ourselves in daily real life and the interplay between reality and imagination, fantasy and the limitations, comedy, and attractions. About Htet T San Htet T San is an artist based in…

Sounds Of A River: Photo Series By Jibon Malaker

The river is the mother of civilization. Every river has its own characters. No doubt, the tiny word “River” carries a deep explanation of human philosophy and create itself as an authentic/significant phenomenon/figure of some basic natural outlook. A majority part of our folk culture emphasizes the riverine people of…

How To Shoot Videos Like A Pro: Ultimate Tips

Have you ever given someone your camera or even your phone to take a video only to realize they didn’t do it right? If you have, then you must admit the fact that it can be disappointing, especially if it was an important video for you. Shooting a video goes…

Elephant: A Soulful Fine Art Photographs By Rarindra Prakarsa

A series of pictures that I believe it is more meaningful if I post at once. I took these pictures in Riau, Sumatera Indonesia. I came with the idea and my fellow photographer Winta Widodo and team prepared it perfectly. Huge thanks for this wonderful project. About Rarindra Prakarsa It’s…

Bhandara Festival Of Pattankodoli: Photo Series By Arun Saha

Rural Maharashtra is widely known to its people as the abode of its various regional gods and the colorful vivid celebration related to them. These celebrations are done annually to different villages by the regional communities or dwellers to pay their reverence to their family deities, which are commonly known…

Witnessing Light Behavior: Photo Series By Helmi Dalhoumi

Light is treated in these series as the subject itself. The human element is more for scale as it helps to depict the scene and emphasize the immersive trait. The obscured human figures crossing the scenes cleanse the images from heavy details and leave space to contemplate the magnificent light…

Crete: Photo Series By Greece Photographer Giannis Angelakis

Crete, in the years of the crisis, became even more depended on the tourism industry. Everything seems to evolve around tourism. But in a way, the magnification of dependence of economy from tourism makes Chania a less rich place, somehow reduced to an image that fits the idea tourists have…

A Series Of Self Portraits By Rammy Narula

For me, photography has a lot to do with self-discovery and finding my place in the world. Making self-portraits is a part of that process and a small chunk of my work includes photographing my own shadows. Finding myself in places where I seemingly have blended in with the environment.…

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