Tag : Photoshop & Post Processing

Lightroom Tutorial for Beginners: Working with Skies Using Graduated Filter

We are sharing this tutorial from KelbyOneOnline. In this tutorial you will learn how to reveal hidden details in sky using Lightroom Graduated Filter. Very quick and effective tips, try it and share your images in Comment section. Before After   The Coolest Trick for Working With Skies in Lightroom…

Lightroom Tutorial for Beginners: Tips for Street Photography

We are sharing this tutorial from Jarden Polin. These tips will be very useful for aspiring street photographers. From this tutorial you will understand how to balance exposure, contrast, colors, B&W conversion and more. I really like both Color and B&W Versions, share your feedback in commnets section. Color Edit…

Lightroom Tutorial for Beginners: Backlit Portrait Editing

We are sharing this tutorial from Lightroomzen. Very quick and effective editing for Backlit Portrait. Enjoy this Tutorial. Tips for dealing with backlighting and general portrait retouching.   Please check our previous related articles: Digital Photo Retouching: Beauty, Fashion & Portrait Photography EBook By Julia Kuzmenko McKim 35 Useful Adobe…

Creative Digital Photo Manipulation Art Works

Photo manipulation is the application of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception. Photo manipulation is an ever evolving collaboration between photography and graphic design. Please check our previous similar post Digital Photo Manipulation – Incredible Examples. Below we present Creative Digital Photo Manipulation…

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