Category : Inspirations

This Creative Couple Playfully Interacts With Architecture To Reveal The Extraordinary Of Everyday (25 Pics)

This Creative Couple Playfully Interacts With Architecture To Reveal The Extraordinary Of Everyday (25 Pics)

Creative couple Daniel Rueda and Anna Devís playfully interact with architecture to reveal the extraordinary of every day. Daniel Rueda is a graduate architect and self-taught architectural photographer based in Valencia, Spain. This creative duo demonstrates their skills through charming photographs that incorporate illusion and landscapes, particularly architecture. The shapes,…

Photographer Captures The Dramatic Photos Of European Churches In His Series Sacred Spaces

Photographer Captures The Dramatic Photos Of European Churches In His Series Sacred Spaces

Over the millennia, churches have shifted back and forth from centers of community to individual introspection and reflection, pausing periodically along the scale as a new denomination upset the balances of tradition. The modern church is a delicate institution; under siege from countering theologies, philosophies and the super speed of…

Photographer Renatas Jakaitis Accidentally Captures “Three-Headed Deer” Roaming In The Forest

Photographer Renatas Jakaitis Accidentally Captures “Three-Headed Deer” Roaming In The Forest

Photographer Renatas Jakaitis accidentally captures “Three-Headed Deer” roaming in the forest. Wildlife photographer Renatas Jakaitis captured the surreal sight of a three-headed deer and has continued to snap photos of wildlife. This isn’t the work of Photoshop; however, it’s all an optical illusion. The three-headed deer doesn’t exist, but it’s…

Moscow Based Artist Creates Whimsical Wool Creatures Look Like They Belong In A Magical Woodland

Moscow Based Artist Creates Whimsical Wool Creatures Look Like They Belong In A Magical Woodland

Moscow Based Artist Nastasya Shuljak creates Whimsical Wool creatures that look like they belong in a magical woodland. Nastasya creates whimsical woolen toys that are sure to bring a smile to the face of anyone who meets them. Shuljak’s portfolio of miniature felted friends comprises recognizable creatures such as polar…

Japanese Photographer Captures A Shy-At-First Baby Meerkat And Its Family

Japanese Photographer Captures A Shy-At-First Baby Meerkat And Its Family (23 Pics)

Here in this post, you can see a shy-at-first baby Meerkat and its family captured by a Japanese photographer. Japanese photographer mamekoro51 has probably the most pleasant hobby one could imagine – taking photos of baby animals of various types. On a recent visit to Inokashira Natural Cultural Park in…

Accidentally Brilliant Street Photography By Edas Wong

Accidentally Brilliant Street Photography By Edas Wong (50 New Pics)

Hong Kong street photographer Edas Wong amazingly captures the street moments with perfect timing. “There’s no such thing as a coincidence,” they say, yet many little moments we encounter every day just seem more like happy (or unhappy) accidents rather than anything else. Especially if you have an eye for…

Funny and Interesting Coincidences That Seem Impossible But Actually Happened

20 Funny & Interesting Coincidences That Seem Impossible But Actually Happened

Here we are presenting 20 funny and interesting coincidences that seem impossible but actually happened. The world is full of surprises. Or in other words, everything can happen all of a sudden without us anticipating, and we all know that. Sometimes, however, there are things that are out of our…

Visual Designer Charis Tsevis Creates Mosaic Portraits Inspired By Colorful Patterns From African Culture

Visual Designer Charis Tsevis Creates Mosaic Portraits Inspired By Colorful Patterns From African Culture

Greek artist and visual designer Charis Tsevis created a series of stunning digital mosaic portraits titled African Bricks, which was inspired by African matchbox houses. It’s been around 15 years now that I am studying African culture and experimenting with the rich visual language of the continent and its people…

Photographer Captures Portraits Of Seniors That Highlight Timeless Beauty Of Old Age

Photographer Captures Portraits Of Seniors That Highlight Timeless Beauty Of Old Age

Photographer Arianne Clément amazingly captures portraits of seniors that highlight the timeless beauty of old age. Arianne obtained a master’s degree with honors in photography from the University of the Arts London. She traveled far and wide to find inspiration, often getting involved in humanitarian projects with the marginalized, her…

Wildlife Photographer Ossi Saarinen Beautifully Captured Fairy Forests In Finland

Wildlife Photographer Ossi Saarinen Beautifully Captured Fairy Forests In Finland (40 Pics)

25 years old Finnish Wildlife Photographer Ossi Saarinen beautifully captured Fairy Forests in Finland. Many people think of Finland as the land of cold weather, darkness, and many forest trees. But, Ossi believes that the country is much more than just that, and he shows another surprisingly enchanting side of…

Artist Justin Bateman Creates Amazing Mosaics Made Entirely Of Pebbles All Around Thailand

Artist Justin Bateman Creates Amazing Mosaics Made Entirely Of Pebbles All-Around Thailand

British Artist Justin Bateman creates amazing Mosaics made entirely of Pebbles all-around Thailand. Using the natural landscape as his canvas he creates from famous faces to iconic works of art, each piece captures the character of its subject in a restricted color palette of stoney hues. Justin lives in Chiang…

30 Simple And Funny Photos Without Context

30 Simple And Funny Photos Without Context That Get Weirder The Longer You Look At Them (New Pics)

Here are the 30 simple and funny photos without contest that get weirder the longer you look at them. “Pictures Of The End” is an Instagram account where such funny pics are posted. Just look at the photos listed below and let us know if the photos make you feel…

Photographer Andrew McCarthy Creates Ultra Detailed 300-Megapixel Image Of The Sun In His Backyard

Photographer Andrew McCarthy Creates Ultra Detailed 300-Megapixel Image Of The Sun In His Backyard

Astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy took 150,000 photos to put together this 300-Megapixel picture of the sun. He titled “Fire and Fusion” 300-megapixel photo highlights the swirling, feathery surface of the Sun. Using a modified telescope, McCarthy was able to take his most detailed photo yet of the Sun. The result is…

30 Photos Of Nature In Its Full Glory And Magnificence

30 Photos Of Nature In Its Full Glory And Magnificence (New Pics)

Here in this gallery, we are presenting 30 photos of nature in its full glory and magnificence. In This Subreddit group is a place where magical photos of nature are shared by people all across the world. From wild reindeer running under the northern lights to a mesmerizing blue snake, nature’s beauty…

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