Here are the 30 overcrowded places posted by Urban Hell Group on Reddit. r/UrbanHell is a photography subreddit of “all the hideous places human beings built or inhabit.” The online community invites everyone who wants to explore the darker side of the cities, towns, and villages in our shared world and welcomes any photos which show either ugliness, or a problem in urban development. Rural and suburban nightmares are also allowed.
Scroll down and check yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1 China IIRC – One more lane and it’ll be solved

#2 Macau – Nice Cage

#3 Mumbai, India

#4 Dhaka, Bangladesh

#5 Taiwan – Air Conditions

#6 Aerial image of the world’s largest tire deposit, located in Kuwait

#7 Los Angeles is an urban desert

#8 Guiyang, Guizhou, China

#9 Concrete canyon in Manhattan

#10 New York – Flatiron

#11 Russia, Vorkuta – Dying North

#12 Athens, Greece

#13 Beach life in Karachi

#14 To Kwa Wan, Hong Kong

#15 Average Delhi Gurgaon commute

#16 Dhaka, Bangladesh

#17 Vegas, minus the neon glow

#18 Mirny, Yakutia, Russia …Welcome the the diamond mine

#19 Supermarket on fire in Tomsk, Russia

#20 Elevated highway in central Hong Kong

#21 “Perspective” complex in Stavropol (Russia)

#22 The two sides of Makati, Philippines

#23 Jakarta, Indonesia

#24 Moscow, Russia. Smog over suburbs

#25 Somewhere in urban Philippines, is an electric handloom machine?

#26 Cairo, Egypt – wonderful city with terrible air pollution

#27 A view of Teesside, UK

#28 Powai hills separating rural and urban Mumbai

#29 Singapore

#30 Tskaltubo, Georgia. Once a promising spa resort, now derelict and miserable

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