Its feel incredible to just think about how humanity has survived to rule this entire world over the period of time and at the same time it is an alarming thing to look at the resources we have been destroying all along the process of survival. This post is something on that note about the taste of humanity and their inscriptions on planet earth.
Please check the below stories, a fine example of above statement.
You have any photography story with you? Please share with us, we will feature your work in this blog. Thanks in advance.
Click on the image to view the full story.
#1 Street Children of Bombay by Dario Mitidieri
An intense and raw documentation of the street children from Mumbai. Right from the place of their survival, its absolute rawness takes you apart and the photographer himself says that these pictures are a tribute to the spirit of street children living all over the world.

© Dario Mitidieri
#2 Justice means nothing – Belgian Prisons by Sébastien Van Malleghem
Reportage from prison, a perfect documentation of the Belgian prisons. They seems to have overpopulated and jailbreaks are considered to be quite normal. These photographs try to tell the Belgian penitentiary life as close as possible to reality.

© Sébastien Van Malleghem
#3 Walkabout by Andrew Quilty
Some 300km away from the south east mountain of Queensland lies McKinlay. This photostory is named walkabout because of the extremely deserted place and the isolation however is part of the attraction by the residents of this town.

© Andrew Quilty
#4 Gypsies by Valerio Bispuri
Gypsies have always been some wonderful subjects to document stories. Their lifestyle and practices are always going to be on the contrary and with enormous curiosity Valerio Bispuri shows some of the great work of his.

© Valerio Bispuri
#5 Darkness Visible by Seamus Murphy
Some incredible photographs from the Taliban front by Seamus Murphy. Heavy bombing and dark clouds glooming all around, these photographs say a lot regarding the lifestyle of these people.

© Seamus Murphy
#6 Domestic Violence in Ecuador by Caroline Bennett
The sad tale of domestic violence in Ecuador. This country has recorded the highest rate for domestic violence. This story shows glimpses of women who has been on the receiving end for a prolonged period of time.

© Caroline Bennett
#7 Dravidian Catharsis by Yannick Cormier
In Tamil Nadu, in southern India, the most distant and ancient traditions have remained intact more than anywhere else. The powerful presences of spirits and living gods are embodied under masks, in the bodies that surrender during the rite and in the animal remains during sacrifices. Characters who no longer know whether they are men, gods or spirits, emerge in their evidence, real and divine, natural and supernatural.

© Yannick Cormier
#8 The Darkness After the Dawn by Victor J Blue
Victor Blue, a Photojournalist has documented the aftermath of the infamous incident of Guatemala. Continued exclusion of various indigenous peoples, versatile land distribution and various unpleasant things.

© Victor J Blue
#9 Street dog doctor by Kaushik Srngupta
Sandip Karan is a passionate man who loves street dogs and his ardent love for these animals has driven him to go one step further by becoming a self taught vet who has learnt his lessons while assisting veterinary surgeons for years.

© Kaushik Srngupta
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