Italian photographer Marianna Zampieri photographs of people with their Cats in Venice, Italy. Marianna is very passionate about taking cat photos, here are the best 20 photos from her collection.

As Marianna has been working on a photographic series “Cats in Venice” since 2017, She decided to try something new. She started adding people in her photos of cats and something beautiful happened!

Check her Website and follow Instagram for more amazing work.

You can find Marianna Zampieri on the Web:

#1 Romuald And Bricola

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#2 Paolo And Linda

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#3 Roberto And Bijoux

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#4 Pietro And Gigetta

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#5 Luigi And His Cats

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#6 Ludovica And Kalypso

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#7 Kathleen And Albert

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#8 Leonardo And Camillo

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#9 Roberto And Bijoux

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#10 Maurizio And Grigetta

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#11 A Girl And Van Gogh

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#12 Alessandro And Frik

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#13 Margherita And Dias

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#14 Toni And Ravi

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#15 Loris And His Cats

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#16 Bogdan And Mao

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#17 Two People And Van Gogh

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#18 Maurizio And Bianca

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#19 Magda And Masca

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

#20 Sevag And Titan

Photographs Of People With Their Cats In Venice, Italy By Marianna Zampieri

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