So, you’ve decided to dedicate yourself to photography, and after acquiring the necessary technical training, you’re going for the hardest part yet… the job search. Indeed, the possibility of setting up on your own and starting to work as a freelance photographer is very tempting, but you also need to know all that it entails. Let’s take a look at a few things that may be of interest to you.

Benefits Of Being A Freelance Photographer

First of all, what is a freelance photographer?

The definition of freelance photographer is determined by the English expression “freelance” which essentially means “working on your own account, doing work for different companies or clients”. Although it is true that in the USA the freelance photographer has always been known as a freelance photographer.

The freelance photographer is a professional in the world of photography who develops his work activity working for different clients.

The process is usually always the same, a client needs a professional photographic work, contacts a professional photographer, tells him his needs, and the photographer establishes a final price considering the assignment.

The quotation of a job can be carried out based on three concepts:

  • Time: how long the job will take you. Considering the whole process, you will also have to do the digital treatment or photographic postproduction work after shooting the photos.
  • Knowledge: you know how to do something your client does not know how to do, so he needs a freelance photographer. This costs money, just as it cost you money (and time) to acquire that knowledge about photography.
  • Professional equipment: At this point I am referring to the technical equipment necessary to carry out your work. On the one hand, the cameras, lenses, flashes and elements necessary to work the light, the computer equipment for the subsequent editing, etc. All this is very expensive, and each job will require specific technical equipment. On the other hand, the human team, because you will not always be able to carry out a 100% professional job by yourself.

Starting to get clients who, in many cases, will count on you every time they need photographic services is how you can be a freelance photographer. Something that should also be mentioned, and more so nowadays, is the figure of the false freelancer.

Unfortunately, many companies, use this trap to have professional photography services, enjoying all the advantages of not having that professional on the payroll and being able to pay per day. For example. Check the essaywriter org reviews. Remember, being a fake freelancer has nothing to do with being self-employed, and will not give you a real experience like working as a freelance photographer.

Benefits Of Being A Freelance Photographer

Why become a freelance photographer?

Here’s the big question… why become a freelance photographer? The answer is simple: being a freelance photographer has many advantages that could be listed if we value how, it is to work hired on payroll for a single company.

  • When you are hired, your work will be reduced to a single photographic discipline, you will always work in the same environment and with the same requirements, you will have total dependence on that company and you will not be able to develop work or projects with other clients.
  • In most cases you will become part of a production process in which production will take precedence over quality, creative freedom will be reduced and subordinated to the results set by the company, your income will always be the same and you will have to comply with a set schedule.
  • And finally, if you want to change jobs at some point, you will probably be forced to continue within the same photographic specialization. The only change you will be able to make will be the change of company, but to continue doing “the same job”.

Let’s say, for example, that you have been doing product photography for ecommerce catalogs for 4 years. Well, suppose at some point you want to change jobs. In that case, you will find that you will have to continue doing those ecommerce catalogs, but in another company, because after so long working exclusively in that sector, it will be very difficult for you to get a job in another specialty in which you have no or little experience.

Does a freelance photographer mean professional?

As a general rule, hiring a freelance photographer is synonymous with professional, because if you do not maintain a high level of work and results that stand out from the photographs taken by amateurs, it will be practically impossible for you to maintain your business or professional activity as a photographer.

In my experience, the client who hires photography services on an occasional basis is much more demanding than a company that puts you on the payroll. Your client will require more specific and specialized work, and in order to carry it out satisfactorily you will have to maintain the highest level as a freelance professional photographer.

Freelance photographer in the USA

Being a freelance photographer in the USA is a great opportunity. It will allow you to find numerous clients willing to hire your services as a freelance photographer.

Likewise, it will force you to maintain the highest level of work and results, as you will also find a lot of competition.

Benefits Of Being A Freelance Photographer

Benefits of freelancing

The benefits of working as a freelance photographer are many, among them are the following:


You will be able to choose where, how and when you will work. Although your clients’ needs will mark all this, you will always have the possibility to negotiate with the person who commissioned you the photographic reportage the dates and times of delivery of your photographs, and from this you can set your own working hours. Likewise, you will be the one to decide what your rates will be.


Working for different clients, you will need to develop your creativity to the maximum and you will be able to propose ideas and solutions that will make you not only grow as a professional. Still, you will also bring you much more enjoyment in the execution of your photography assignments.


You will have the possibility to increase your income much more than if you work as a freelancer. The beginning as a freelance photographer is indeed complicated. Still, once you get a portfolio of clients, the monetary benefits will be greater and you will feel more rewarded than receiving a monthly salary.

Personal growth:

This will be enriched by dealing with a multitude of different personalities, the different situations you will be involved in and all the challenges that each new “freelance photographer job” will bring.

Benefits Of Being A Freelance Photographer

How to become a freelance photographer?

The truth is that there is no recipe or guide to be a freelance photographer, but if you could take into account some things like: receive adequate theoretical and practical training, either through specific courses or formal training. Starting your professional career as an assistant or assistant photographer for a freelance photographer with more experience than you, will be one of the best learning experiences you can find. When you decide to take the leap to your professional independence, it would be advisable to work with the equipment you have. Little by little, and through the income generated by your work, expand that equipment. Making a large investment in photographic material and computer equipment without having clients to work for can be a risky move.

Planning, motivation and efficiency will be three basic pillars to ensure that your freelance photographer resume continues to expand and that you have more attractive and powerful work, capable of attracting new clients.

What are the rates of a freelance photographer?

To determine the rates of a freelance photographer you could take into account some criteria such as:

  1. Professional experience
  2. Services offered
  3. Location
  4. Schedule
  5. Volume of work

Considering these factors, you will be able to discern if the freelance photographer price formula results in a realistic and accurate proposal or if it does not fit with any consistent reasoning.

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