Jianwei Yang is certainly an interesting character when it comes to street photography perspective. He is one of those photographers who loves to keep it simple and inspiring. Among-st his beautiful works of street genre, what punches the most is his brilliant eye for capturing human factor with interesting natural light and shadows. Taking a look back at these photographs, the composition and incredible placement of subject with good ambient light plays an integral part in maintaining the overall composure and draws attention as well. And above all Jianwei uses a simple compact camera which is considered to be the powerful weapon by contemporary street photographers these days.

In this brief interview with 121clicks, Jianwei shares us a lot about photography, his ideas around this art, his family and more about his inspiration.

Jianwei Yang – Fabulous Street Photographer from Beijing

Can you please introduce yourself?

I was born in 1969, Beijing. Studied Computer Science at Beijing University of Technology and University of Tsukuba. I’m currently working for a software company in Vancouver. Photography is a hobby and I became a serious street photographer in late 2010.

How did this love for street photography happen?

My initial motivation for practicing photography skill was to take better photos for my kids. Since early 2011, I tried to carry a camera with me all the time and keep shooting everything surround me. I found that the best way to improve my skill is to shoot on the streets. Since the subjects change all the time and the human factor, is the most interesting one.

How does B/W (vs) Color play into you work?

There are all kinds of colors and figures on the streets and thus in a photo. B/W treatment let me focus on the main character much easier. It turns chaos into order. It gives me more room to work on the contrast, the tones and the forms. It makes things simple.

Your favorite contemporary photographers?

Your favorite photography quote?

“…find something interesting in an ordinary place…” – Elliott Erwitt

Your gear?

Most of the time, I’m wearing a NEX6 with a Sony 16-50mm. I love Its hybrid AF and handling.

Your Inspiration?

I love cinematic shots, and photos with mood. I guess movie is always a great source for photographers.

Any final thoughts for our readers?

Take two to five hundreds shots a day, rain or shine.

Click on the image for better and enlarged view.































You can find Jianwei Yang on the Web :

All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Jianwei Yang. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.