On the edge of the desert and settled land, between the village and nomadic life, between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Bedouins of the Judean Desert still maintain ancient traditions.
Tahani is an 11-years old Bedouin girl, who is the youngest child of Ali, the head of a semi-nomadic Bedouin family living half an hour south-east of Jerusalem, where paved roads end, in the desert overlooking the Dead Sea, which she can see from above but never enter.
During my visits, I was following her daily routine at home. In this traditional Bedouin family, women are respected highly but their life is very different from western traditions.
From a young age, she helps to care for the other younger children at home and takes a big role in house works, tending animals and on the other hand she’s an 11-year-old girl, a child, who goes to school, likes to dance and play.
About Gabi Berger
Born in Hungary, Gabi is a Hungarian-Israeli citizen. She’s 42 years old, runs her own photography business based in Tel Aviv. She lives in the most lively part of the city that is full of outstanding photo ops of everyday life in the city. She started with street photography as a hobby and grew to explore the cultural aspects of the Israeli society with her camera. Her personal work focuses mainly on exploring the various cultures and religions present in the Israeli society, she continuously seeks to get an insight into the deeper layers of the unique communities across Israel.
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All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Gabi Berger. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.