Here are the 30 interesting and surprising photos that show how big things really are. There is a Twitter page called Human for Scale, which is more than 105K followers. This page shares “Photos which feature a human to aid the eye in determining the size of things.” You can follow them for more interesting and surprising photos.
Scroll down and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1 6’9″ compared to 5’1″

#2 Coiling Dragon Cliff Skywalk,Tianmen Mountain National Park, Zhangjiajie

#3 The manpupuner rock formations and a man

#4 The African land snail

#5 The absurd size of the motherland calls statue

#6 Absolute door unit

#7 The sun and planets to scale

#8 Me standing next to a nuclear cooling tower

#9 Two people sitting on the Abraj Al Bait clock tower in mecca

#10 Jadayupara, the world’s largest avian sculpture

#11 Whale skull

#12 Petra in Jordan

#13 Baobab trees at Madagascar

#14 Croatia

#15 Botanical Park of Rio de Janerio Brazil, Founded in 1808, it is considered one of the most important in the world

#16 400 years old Vasa ship

#17 Elephant seal

#18 Japanese spider crab!

#19 Chonky carp

#20 A rocket being transported to launch site, India

#21 This massive owl

#22 A fallen Redwood and me

#23 The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford in drydock

#24 The second largest whale in the world – Fin Whale

#25 World’s largest wine barrel

#26 Did you guys know how big cactus can get?

#27 True Size of the great Pyramid of Giza

#28 Ouse Valley Viaduct Uk

#29 The Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, The largest known flying animal that ever existed

#30 I never realized how big the Typhoon class was

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