50 genius solutions to various problems, people posted on Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering. Before we step into the Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering, I should warn you not to try this at home under any circumstances. Because safety will likely be breached, and the gadgets you’ll see will raise an alarming level of suspicion.
So let’s see what the buzz is all about in this hilarious subreddit with 354k members that has been rolling since 2013. Whether it’s a curse or a blessing, we will find out. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1 Invisible Bottom

#2 Solo Couch Carry

#3 Soap holder at my friend’s house

#4 Self feeding fire

#5 Found this fork in my brothers house and asked him why he had done it…. then he ran upstairs to grab his IPad

#6 My 12 year old son modified his bike with carpet for barefoot riding

#7 Alarm System

#8 I think this qualifies?

#9 Redneck repurposing of kids’ recreational toys

#10 My local elotero putting a shopping cart to good use

#11 Found on FB, thought it was pretty slick

#12 Need to relocate your switch?

#13 Your move, NASA

#14 Spotted this beauty at a Walmart

#15 Outdoor urinal behind home garage

#16 Fixed the downspout

#17 This man is before his time

#18 Heavy Duty Office Chair

#19 Almost unnoticeable

#20 No foundation? No problem….also… WTF?

#21 Im actually impressed

#22 My gas cap stopped closing properly, so I came up with a solution

#23 This counts, right?

#24 Just don’t bring it to the boil

#25 We like redneck engineering so much in Brasil we have a word for it : “Gambiarra”

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