In his captivating aerial series, Tom Hegen showcases the enchanting beauty of agricultural fields in central Spain. The landscape, shaped by centuries of farming, presents a striking visual pattern, resembling abstract art from above. Spanish farmers have ingeniously adapted to the region’s rugged topography by carving terraces, tracks, and fields into the terrain.

These terraces help retain rainwater in an environment facing increasingly low rainfall and extreme heat, making cultivation a challenging task. Some of these fields remain in use, while others have been abandoned due to low yields and labor intensity, leaving behind a tapestry of human-altered nature.

Hegen’s work blurs the line between photography and painting, as he captures the most abstract forms of these cultivated landscapes. From above, the fields take on an artistic quality, with their patterns resembling a textured carpet spread over the land.

While the farmers’ primary focus is economic survival, Hegen views them as inadvertent creators of artistic compositions. As an observer, he curates their practical efforts into breathtaking aerial artworks, revealing the beauty hidden in the subtle transitions of the landscape.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Tom’s Instagram account for more amazing photos.

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Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen


Landscape Photos Of Agricultural Fields In Central Spain By Tom Hegen

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