Here are the 25 epic design failures that went down in history. Many times in life, you may spot hilarious designs that failed so hard. You can find such designs in the below post, you can comment if you face any design challenges like below.
Scroll down and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1 This amazing pregnancy test

#2 Suppose to say trick or treat

#3 How much do you trust your “multilingual” ad designer?

#4 This Portuguese football team shorts

#5 My son won this as a prize in math class a while back. It used to say “Be a Problem Solver”

#6 Children are our future

Image Source: Imgur
#7 Being gay was a sin they said

#8 Love handles

#9 Circles have already won, smartass

#10 Attention

#11 Ah yes, the Eiffel Tower, my favorite Italian landmark

#12 This maze game

#13 Our wedding is going to have three delicious meal choices

#14 No thank you, I think I’ll pass

#15 Sh*t Yourself!

#16 I cancelled my transaction twice in a row by accident. I finally found out why

#17 The hardest maze ever

#18 Stop

#19 Proofreading this book couldn’t have been that hard

#20 OMG, that is brilliant!

#21 Russian wet tissues

#22 This clock store in Benghazi, Libya

#23 Professor, I can’t get these audio files in our textbook to play

#24 I see your “Use before: Made in China” and raise you “warning – MADE IN CHINA”

#25 This company really values their customer’s opinions

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