If you find joy in those enchanting instances life unfolds, whether it be the ethereal hues of a perfect sunset sky or the awe-inspiring panorama of snow-capped hills, then the images curated on r/CantBelieveThatsReal are bound to resonate with you.
Since its establishment in 2020, this page has cultivated a community of over 47,000 members. Showcasing spellbinding photographs capturing the wonders of nature, snippets of history, and various other visually arresting moments from around the world, this collection is poised to leave you utterly astounded, prompting exclamations of, ‘Is this even possible?
Scroll down and inspire yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1. This bonsai tree naturally growing in the middle of a lake

#2. Mount St. Helens before and after its 1980 eruption

#3. Puddle at sunset looks like the earth from space

#4. This Polish statue looks like Darth Vader after a snowy day

#5. Comparison of the tip of a hypodermic needle, viper’s fang, spider’s fang and the stinger of a scorpion

#6. Frozen bamboo path in Kyoto

#7. The world’s biggest horse, Brooklyn “Brookie” Supreme

#8. Basketball court in a cave

#9. Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago

#10. Chase Kennedy, America’s longest legs

#11. Hyperion, the world’s tallest living tree (379.7 feet)

#12. The Moon looks like Saturn

#13. A frozen windshield after a windy night

#14. A house in Iceland

#15. A Man Feeding Swans in the Snow (Credit: Marcin Ryczek)

#16. The Grand Lisboa Hotel towers over the streets of Macau

#17. Srirangam Temple,India!! (Credit: Prudhvi Chowdhary)

#18. Port Jackson Shark

#19. This pond in Switzerland

#20. Freeze, thaw and refreeze caused this icicle to look like a hummingbird

#21. This photo of cemetery looks like 2 photo put together

#22. Wadi Al-Salaam (Iraq), the largest cemetery in the world. Estimated to hold tens of millions of bodies

#23. A house built under a large boulder (Portugal)

#24. Shimla, India

#25. Ever wondered how they install those huge power line towers?

#26. A Bison still alive after being struck by lightning

#27. Fort Bourtange in the Netherlands

#28. Storm forming over Lubbock, Texas

#29. Ancient Rome Aqueduct

#30. Butterfly eggs of the species Nymphalis antiopa

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