Tag : Sea Photography

Beach Sunset Photos By Mauro Roberto Scalabroni

Breathtaking Beach Sunsets Captured By Mauro Roberto Scalabroni

Italian photographer Mauro Roberto Scalabroni has mastered the art of capturing breathtaking beach sunsets, infusing his work with a profound sense of mood and tranquility. Each photograph showcases the natural beauty of coastal landscapes bathed in the soft, settled colors of twilight. Scalabroni’s keen eye for detail and composition allows…

Breathtaking Mountains Of The Sea By Ray Collins

Photographer Ray Collins Captures Breathtaking Mountains Of The Sea

Photographer Ray Collins has a unique talent for capturing the awe-inspiring beauty of nature, particularly the mesmerizing interplay between sea and sky. In his latest collection, Collins focuses on what he aptly describes as the “Mountains of the Sea,” showcasing the majestic waves that resemble towering mountains. Each photograph in…

Seashell Photos by Bill Gracey

Exploring The Enigmatic Elegance: Bill Gracey’s Stunning Seashell Photography

In the realm of photography, capturing the essence of nature’s beauty often requires a keen eye and a unique perspective. Bill Gracey, a master of the lens, has brought forth a series of mesmerizing images that showcase the elegance and intricacy of seashells against a backdrop as deep as the…

Seascape Photography

Captivating Coastal Views: Rachael Talibart’s Breathtaking Seascape Photography

Immerse yourself in the enchanting world of coastal wonders through the lens of Rachael Talibart’s breathtaking seascape photography. Talibart invites viewers to embark on a visual journey where the beauty of the ocean meets the artistry of a skilled photographer. Talibart’s mastery unfolds as she captures the essence of coastal…

Ghost In The Shell: Organic Objects Found At The Tideline By Rachael Talibart

Ghost In The Shell: Organic Objects Found At The Tideline By Rachael Talibart

These photographs are part of an ongoing series that explores the afterlife of organic objects found at the tideline. These objects are inanimate but once had a life: shells once housed molluscs and fragments of chalk were made from tiny marine creatures and the calcareous remains of algae. Using slow…

OCEANUS – Marine Geophysical Survey In Anfeh Lebanon By Pygmalion Karatzas

Research team: Laboratory of Marine Geology and Physical Oceanography of the University of Patras Greece Photography: Pygmalion Karatzas It was a privilege to be asked by prof. Giorgos Papatheodorou to join and document their marine geophysical surveying of the Anfeh region in Lebanon. The OCEANUS team of the University of…

The Beauty of Ocean Waves by Warren Keelan

Warren Keelan from Australia captured these beautiful Ocean Waves. Warren lives in South East Coast of Australia, he is lucky enough to have beaches to shoot these amazing waves. From these photographs he want to convey characteristics and personalities of these waves. If you observe, such an outstanding shapes, textures…

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