Tag : Animals

Pink Manta Ray Photos

Underwater Photographer Spots A Majestic Pink Manta Ray So Rare

Underwater Photographer and Diver Kristian Laine spot a majestic Pink Manta Ray that is so rare, first he thinks his camera is broken. Kristian Laine is an Australian freediver and underwater photographer and one day, he decided to go for shooting at Lady Elliot Island on the Great Barrier Reef.…

Pink-browed Rosefinch Bird

Meet The Pink-Browed Rosefinch, Beautiful Little Bird With Gorgeous Color

Meet the Pink-Browed Rosefinch, a beautiful little bird with gorgeous pink color. The pink-browed rosefinch (Carpodacus rodochroa) is a finch in the family Fringillidae. The species was first described by Nicholas Aylward Vigors in 1831. It ranges across the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent, mainly in the Himalayas, and…

Three-Wattled Bellbird

Meet The Three-Wattled Bellbird, A Unique Bird That Has A Moustache

Meet the Three-Wattled Bellbird, a unique bird that has a moustache. The three-wattled bellbird (Procnias tricarunculatus) is a Central American migratory bird of the cotinga family. The male and female are very dissimilar in appearance. The male has a white head and throat and the remaining plumage is chestnut brown.…

Cutest Photos Of Baby Animals

50 Cutest Photos Of Baby Animals You’ll Love Instantly

Here are the 50 cutest photos of baby animals you’ll love instantly. These cute pictures will instantly put you in a good mood. In this gallery, you can find an adorable little baby skunk, baby hippo, irresistible bowl of baby otters, baby gorilla being checked up, a baby sloth, and…

Hummingbird Wings Rainbow Light by Christian Spencer

Photographer Christian Spencer Captures A Rainbow Of Light Diffracts Through Hummingbird Wings

Photographer Christian Spencer captures a rainbow of light diffracting through hummingbird wings. This talented photographer named Christian Spencer was enjoying the sights in Rio de Janeiro when he happened to stumble upon a beautiful discovery. A Jacobin hummingbird was flying past the sun with open wings when the prism effect…

Shark Swims for a Cuddle by Rick Anderson

Shark Swims Up To Diver For a Cuddle Every Time She Sees Him

This Shark comes to cuddle with him whenever he goes diving and this has been going on for 10 years. Meet Rick Anderson, an Australian man who calls a female Port Jackson shark his friend, saying she comes to cuddle with him whenever she sees him. “I started playing with…

Foster Kitty Who Gives The Cutest Smile

Meet Foster Kitty Who Gives The Cutest Smile During A Photoshoot

Here you can meet Foster Kitty who gives the cutest smile during a photoshoot. There’s no doubt that our pets are among our sources of happiness. But nothing beats the feeling of knowing that we’re the cause of their joy too. Even though she’s just starting her life, Blossom the…

The Indian Giant Multicolored Squirrels Are Almost Too Beautiful To Be Real

The Indian Giant Multicolored Squirrel or Malabar giant squirrel is almost too beautiful to be real. This squirrel is a large multi-colored tree squirrel species endemic to forests and woodlands in India. It is a diurnal, arboreal, and mainly herbivorous squirrel. This species is endemic to India, with the main…

Grey Horse And Alaskan Malamute Builds A Unique Bond

Photographer Svetlana Pisareva Captures Grey Horse And Alaskan Malamute Builds A Unique Bond

Russian photographer Svetlana Pisareva beautifully captures Grey Horse and Alaskan malamute builds a unique bond. Saint Petersburg-based photographer captured in a snow photoshoot. Friendship is the cutest and purest thing in this world and the below photos are amazing. The horse and the husky blend with the snow around them.…

White Lion Photos by Simon Needham

Photographer Simon Needham Immortalizes A White Lion In His Incredible Photos

Los Angeles-based British photographer Simon Needham immortalizes a white lion in his incredible photos. The highlight of his work is the awe-inspiring portraits of lions from different angles that show their beauty and powerful presence. Simon Needham caught the eye of the lion Moya at the Glen Garriff Conservation shrine,…

Beautiful Pregnant Animals

25 Beautiful Photos Of Pregnant Animals Who Seem To Be Ready To Welcome Their Babies

Here are the 25 beautiful photos of pregnant animals who seem to be ready to welcome their babies. When a woman is pregnant, her body starts to change significantly. Here you can find few photos of different animals in pregnancy time. Here in this gallery, we have posted pregnant animal…

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