While art is subjective, the sculptures we are about to witness are beyond anyone’s expectations. While we may be familiar with the works of famous artists like Picasso and Michelangelo, modern-day art takes on a unique form of its own, often with a bizarre twist.
This post celebrates those peculiar pieces of art that can be found in various locations around the world. They were discovered by adventurous souls who thankfully documented them for all to see.
Get ready to witness a collection of the most eccentric and extraordinary sculptures that exist, ranging from the weird and wacky to the spooky and strange. With each one, we are reminded of the endless possibilities that exist within the world of art.
Scroll down and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1 This Sculpture Of A Sunken Giant. Guatemala City

#2 The Water Is Fine, Come On In

#3 This Statue In My Town Is Always Turned Back To You

#4 Lebanese Artist Uses Broken Glass And Rubble From Beirut Explosion To Create A Memorial

#5 Mermaid-Man Sculpture

#6 A Sculpture Called “Karma”

#7 This Building Had A Realistic Statue Of A Police Officer

#8 Officially The Creepiest Sand Sculpture At Revere Beach

#9 Adding To The Sculpture Trend. Vancouver, BC

#10 Realistic Sculpture Titled “The Traveler” In Orlando International Airport

#11 This Statue I Found While Visiting Italy

Image source: YafetM
#12 This Weird-Looking Transformers Statue

#13 I Took This Pic Of A Hyper-Realistic Statue In NYC Today, It Was Freaking A Few People Out

#14 There’s A Giant Statue Of An Eyeball Across The Street From The Restaurant I’m At

#15 This Statue, With Realistic-Looking Eyes And Teeth, Nightmare Fuel

#16 Statues At A Bhuddist Temple In Japan

#17 Underwater Shark Statue At Lake Neuchâtel

#18 A Statue Hanging In The Cellar Of An Abandoned Castle

#19 The Most Australian Statue Ever

#20 Driftwood Statues By Nagato Iwasaki

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