Inspired by Edwin Abbat’s book “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions,” Aydın Büyüktaş embarked on his series titled “Flatland.” Here, he establishes the groundwork for a dimension where ordinary spaces give rise to extraordinary surprises.

In our daily lives, we often overlook the places around us—spaces that subtly shape our memories. Büyüktaş, however, imbues these places with a new dimension, challenging our perceptions and inviting us to explore beyond the conventional boundaries of thought.

Through his work, Büyüktaş aims to immerse the viewer in a visually stunning and thought-provoking experience. With a touch of irony and romance, his multidimensional perspective offers a fresh and surprising take on the world around us.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can find Aydın’s more amazing work in his Instagram page.

You can find Aydın Büyüktaş on the web:


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas

“Aydın Büyüktaş, born in Ankara in 1972, initially pursued studies in Tourism Management at Bilkent University but ultimately left to pursue his true passion. Relocating to Istanbul in the early 2000s, he found his niche in the film and advertising industries, contributing to numerous award-winning projects with pioneering companies like Sinefekt and Makinefx. Immersing himself in the realms of visual effects, 3D design, animation, and video production, Büyüktaş honed his skills and earned recognition.”


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas

“In 2008, Büyüktaş’s self-designed 3D character gained international acclaim, prompting him to transition towards freelance work. Alongside his burgeoning interest in photography, Büyüktaş pursued academic growth, enrolling in the photography department of Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 2012, where he continues to expand his creative horizons.”


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas


Surreal Drone Photos By Aydin Buyuktas

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