Presenting to you an intriguing Instagram account named “The History Atlas.” With a substantial following of 82K, this page curates a captivating collection of historic images, many of which are rare or unseen by the public eye.
Transport yourself through time as the account unveils images capturing people, places, and enthralling events from bygone eras. What sets this page apart is its commitment to not just sharing visuals but also delving into the stories behind them. For select images, detailed captions and explanations are provided, offering historical context and background information to satiate your curiosity about the rich tapestry of human history. Dive into the past with “The History Atlas” and discover a world of forgotten moments and untold tales.
Scroll down and inspire yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.
#1. A White And A Black Men Leading A Civil Rights March In The Late 1950s

#2. Police Dog On Duty In Side Car. 1930s

#3. The Old Cincinnati Library Before Being Demolished, 1874-1955

#4. Milk Delivery By Dogcart, Studio City, Ca, Circa 1910

#5. In The 1920s And 1930s, Sheep Were Routinely Introduced Into London Parks To Keep The Grass Under Control And Reduce Mowing Costs

#6. The Soldiers Fed The Polar Bears With Condensed Milk Tins. Soviet Union, 1950

#7. Country Store, North Carolina 1939

#8. Here We See The Creation Of The Central Line In 1898

#9. Gypsy Children Being Taught To Play The Violin In A Courtyard Of One Of The Poorer Houses. Budapest, Hungary, 1939 By William Vandivert

#10. Charitable Chinese Man Feeding A Criminal In A Cangue. Ca. 1905

#11. Woman Hailing A Cab In New York City, 1956

#12. Viet Cong Medics Operate On An Injured Cambodian Solider, 1970

#13. Police Officer Guarding A Pharmacy In High-Flood Waters, Ontario, 1974

#14. An Elevator Parking Lot In New York. C.1920

#15. A Man Standing On The First Cables During The Construction Of The Golden Gate Bridge, With The Presidio And San Francisco In The Background. 1935

#16. Moving A House Using Horses. San Francisco, 1908

#17. Sunday At Coney Island 1949

#18. Kids Playing In A Fire Hydrant In NYC In The Summer Of 1954

#19. The Barge “Marine Angel” Negotiates A Turn Through The Upraised Michigan Ave. Bridge, Chicago, 1953

#20. A New York Construction Worker Walks Along A Girder High Above The City Streets, Circa 1950

#21. Three Boys Are Fishing For Change During The Great Depression, New York, 1930

#22. San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge

#23. R.m.s. Mauretania 1909

#24. Man Standing In The Lumberyard Of Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing, 1939

#25. Belgium Coal Miners Crammed Into A Coal Mine Elevator, Coming Up After A Day Of Work, Circa 1900

#26. Los Angeles Development Boom Of The 1950s

#27. Second Class Saloon, Nome, Alska, July 1, 1901

#28. 30 Men Prove The Strength Of The Dkw ‘Front Reichsklasse’ Type F7 Car, Amazingly Built By Wooden Coachwork 1930s

#29. Tourists Sunbathing And Drinking Tea On Top Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza, 1938

#30. Rms Mauretania (Also Known As The “Maury”) Was An Ocean Liner Of The Cunard Line, Launched On 20 September 1906

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