The pink water comes from a pink algae (Dunaliella Salina) which live in it. This pink algae can exist in just about any kind of natural body of saltwater and is the main source of nutrition for another common resident of saltwater: a miniscule shrimp called the artémias salina.

Dunaliella salina was named by Emanoil C. Teodoresco of Bucharest, Romania after its original discoverer, Michel Felix Dunal, who first scientifically reported sighting the organism in saltern evaporation ponds in Montpellier, France in 1838.

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

About Paolo Pettigiani

Paolo is a photographer and art director based in Turin, Italy. Today he is the co-founder and art director of No Panic, a creative agency focused on strategic brand narrative and digital communication. After a degree in “Design and Visual Communication” at Politecnico in Turin, he started to explore the themes of seeing the unseen and he found his trademark style in 2015 using infrared photography: a fusion of science and creativity, playing with colors, shapes and contrasts in order to question reality as we see it.

Paolo aspires to highlight the beauty that surrounds us and that is too often forgotten, through graphic and visual exploration. With Infraland, a photographic-artistic-social project, Paolo wants to put nature in the foreground, by emphasizing its hidden colors, which cannot be seen by the human eye. His works have been exhibited both in solo and group exhibitions in New York City, Paris, Milan, Turin and have been featured in a variety of digital publications, including The Washington Post, Wired, La Repubblica, La Stampa, Vanity Fair, Lonely Planet, Huffington Post, Vogue.

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Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

Dunaliella Salina In Camargue, France: Beautifully Captured By Paolo Pettigiani

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All the pictures in this post are copyrighted to Paolo Pettigiani. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.