Photo Story – Beyond The Act By Anirban Mukhopadhyay
Calcutta has always been the centre of art and culture in India, among which theatre played a pivotal role in shaping up

How to Shoot a Wedding Venue in Low Light
Guest Article by: Abhinav Jain The toughest part of shooting a wedding is to struggle with artificial lighting. If it’s an outdoor

Online Newborn Photography Workshop & Training by Cole’s Classroom
Getting Started with Newborn Photography? Introducing the Comprehensive Online “Newborn Photography Workshop for the On-Location Photographer” Receive Lifetime Access of All the

121 Clicks Flickr Best Entries Of February 2014
A Grand tribute to all our Flickr fans, who has been submitting their wonderful pictures to our group pool. We have decided

10 Inspiring Articles Focusing on Landscape Photography
Photographers take landscape photographs in pursuit of nature devoted of human influence. Ambient light, strong defined landforms, and weather conditions are the

David Lazar – Passionate & Admirable Travel Photographer from Australia
A travel photographer and a musician himself from Australia. David Lazar is a very familiar name in the travel photographer’s circle and

Most Fascinating & Storytelling Photographs by Alison McCauley
Interesting captures on street with an exuberant eye for details and composition. Sometimes vibrancy and the architectural aspects and on the other

Magnificent Street Photographs in B/W this Season – Editor’s Choice
Street Photography and Black and White go hand in hand. Be it capturing the light, or a soulful portrait with great ambiance, or

Extremely decisive street photographs this season – Editor’s Choice
Plenty to ponder and to search for when you want to shoot street in colors.Yes, the vibrancy and the vivid display of

Understanding Exposure: Perfect Exposure on your EOS Camera – An Ebook by Andrew S Gibson
Even as an experienced photographer there are still times when I get the exposure wrong. It’s easy to forget the basics and

An Interesting article to guide you about Image Storage in Digital Photography
Ever imagined how/where to save your most fascinating & hard worked digital photographs. And we must mention this, today’s digital world has

Digital Photography Workflow – Any Professional Photographer’s practice
Brushing up our basics never harms us, since it gives us an incredible insight towards what makes us the photographer and much

121 Clicks Flickr Best Entries Of January 2014
A Grand tribute to all our Flickr fans, who has been submitting their wonderful pictures to our group pool. We have decided

Interview with Claude Renault – Veteran Street Photographer from France
Incomparable passion which keeps adhering to his artistic capabilities over the years, Claude Renault from France had been quite surprised by the

Vineet Vohra – Passionate Street Photographer from India
Vineet Vohra hails from the Capital city of India and what takes us more by surprise is his family’s stature which is

Gustavo Minas – Finest Street Photographer from Brazil
A typical brazilian delight of street photography with magnanimous play of light and shadows inscribed with sceptical colors all over the frame.