Tag : Street Photography

Photographer Strolled Through Streets Of Los Angeles At Random And Took Dreamy Pictures There

Photographer Strolled Through Streets Of Los Angeles At Random And Took Dreamy Pictures There

Photographer Helene Havard created a series of pictures of the streets of Los Angeles when she strolled through streets at random and took dreamy pictures of art deco buildings and gave an urban pastel side to this beautiful city. You can find Helene Havard on the Web: Behance Instagram You…

Life on the street never ceased to amaze me – Master Photographer Joel Meyerowitz

Life On The Street Never Ceased To Amaze Me: Master Photographer Joel Meyerowitz

Joel Meyerowitz (born March 6, 1938) is a street photographer, and portrait and landscape photographer. He began photographing in color in 1962 and was an early advocate of the use of color during a time when there was significant resistance to the idea of color photography as serious art. In…

Russian Street Photographer Eric Kogan Captured The Perfectly-Timed Photos (20 Pics)

Russian Street Photographer Eric Kogan Captured The Perfectly-Timed Photos (20 Pics)

Russian Photographer Eric Kogan captured the perfectly-timed photos. Eric Kogan, an amazing street photographer, was born in Russia and currently resides in the US. He knows how and when to use his camera, and hardly ever misses a perfect shot. The photographer is popular for capturing coincidental pictures. However, it’s…

My Personal Best: Indian Photographer Anuradha Chatterjee

My Personal Best: Indian Photographer Anuradha Chatterjee

Anuradha Chatterjee is an amateur photographer from Kolkata. During her childhood, Anuradha was fond of painting, and for much of her life, she would take casual photographs during her travels. After developing a technical interest in photography a few years ago, Anuradha found that this visual medium can also tell…

Accidentally Brilliant Street Photography By Edas Wong

Accidentally Brilliant Street Photography By Edas Wong (50 New Pics)

Hong Kong street photographer Edas Wong amazingly captures the street moments with perfect timing. “There’s no such thing as a coincidence,” they say, yet many little moments we encounter every day just seem more like happy (or unhappy) accidents rather than anything else. Especially if you have an eye for…

Stavros Stamatiou – Brilliant Street Photographer from Greece

Stavros Stamatiou: Brilliant Street Photographer From Greece

One cannot simply resist these photographs, an ordinance out of the extraordinary. Typical artistic approach to the enduring street photography by this greek photographer Stavros Stamatiou. Every Pictures spells the words of silence while there also exists a constant chirp of buzzing, some unknown lives and numerous hindrances. These photographs…

Gueorgui Pinkhassov – Inspiration from Masters of Photography

Gueorgui Pinkhassov: Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

Gueorgui Pinkhassov is a Russian Photographer who is also a member of the prestigious Magnum Photos. It was during his teens, when his interest towards photography became much more extreme which made him get enrolled with the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. This was more than a starting point for Pinkhassov…

Photographer Chris Porsz Recreates His Photos Of Strangers

Photographer Chris Porsz Recreates His Photos Of Strangers From 40 Years Ago

British photographer Chris Porsz is well-known for his unique project called “Reunions” which documents the lives of people in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. One would think that it’s referring to simple street-style photos, but Porsz has been working on his project for over 40 years already. What makes his project special is…

Gianpaolo-la-paglia An Italian Photographer, who shoots little stories through street photography

Gianpaolo-La-Paglia An Italian Photographer, Who Shoots Little Stories Through Street Photography

Gianpaolo from Italy impresses us with his crispy and poignant street captures. Being a strong fan of Master Photographer Elliot Erwitt, Gian does show us some comic and witty prospects with his street photographs. Clever and delicate surroundings in these photographs is great examples of elite street stuff and sheer…

Winners & Finalists Of Street Photography Awards 2021

Winners & Finalists Of Street Photography Awards 2021

Here are the winners and finalists of Street photography awards 2021 conducted by the Street Photographers Foundation. Street Photographers is a foundation that is entirely dedicated to street photography. It is a place where you will find stories about people from the street and get some tips from them. The…

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