Tag : Photography Tutorials

8 Unbelievable Photography Hacks That Anyone Can Do

8 Unbelievable Photography Hacks That Anyone Can Do!

Unbelievable photography hacks and other ideas that will blow your mind. Let’s get our cameras and capture professional-like photos with these incredible hacks. Today we show you brilliant tricks and other amazing ideas that will inspire your next photoshoot with your friends. You can post these pics on social media…

7 Creative Photography Tips For Shooting Time (Video)

7 Creative Photography Tips For Shooting Time (Video)

Yet another effective video tutorial from COOPH about Creative Tips for shooting time. Take a look at the latest COOPH video which features 7 clever tips on how to shoot time. Abstract things are quite tricky to capture, but the COOPH photographers got creative and came up with seven ideas.…

The First Step: Picking A Name For Your Photography Business

The First Step: Picking A Name For Your Photography Business

About 77% of consumers refer to items and services by their brand names instead of their actual names, according to Crowdspring. This makes the name a business owner gives their enterprise a crucial decision. While having great photography skills is what keeps clients, a good first impression starts with your…

5 Best Ways To Become A Better Photographer Today

5 Best Ways To Become A Better Photographer Today

Let’s be real, many people wonder how to become a better photographer. Just like any new skill, photography takes time and dedication. Maybe you are looking to make photography your new hobby for 2021 or maybe you want to improve business. No matter what your goals are, there are a…

Inspiring Educational Photography Resources for Lifelong Students

Inspiring Educational Photography Resources for Lifelong Students

Photography is amazing and students continue to perfect the art as they continually engage in taking photos, designing and editing. Photos bring forth effects that can communicate a strong message to the image viewers. Students can gather information to help them better their skills from several sources available online, in…

Shrunk Photography Video Tutorial

8 Creative Ideas Of Shrunk Subject Photography: Video Tutorial

Yet another effective video tutorial from COOPH about Shrunk Subject Photography. In this brand-new video, the COOPH photographers show you how to change the size of people in your images in order to tell new stories and create unique compositions. Check out the eight creative ideas they came up with…

Best DSLR Cameras 2020

2020’s Best Digital Cameras for Budding Photographers

Budding photographers are not in the position to drop huge sums on the hottest digital camera, in the main they are looking for something which is affordable, which aids them in their early photography days and which they can fully understand. Gradually, as the passion for photography grows alongside the…

Best ways to capture Northern Lights and snowy peaks

Best Ways To Capture Northern Lights And Snowy Peaks

Northern Lights or in another world, Aurora Borealis is one of the must-see places on Earth. The mesmerizing and picturesque experience shall be seen and left in memory forever. People from all over the world travel to Norway in order to witness the natural majesty and the most beautiful place,…

Top 5 Camera Accessories You Must Have

Top 5 Camera Accessories You Must Have

To showcase your photography skills, only a camera is not enough. You need to have additional accessories to make the whole experience comfortable and high-quality. Besides, once you have the camera, you cannot resist buying some excellent add-ons to your kit. There are plenty of accessories that you can get…

How To Build a Sustainable Photography Business Despite COVID-19

How To Build a Sustainable Photography Business Despite COVID-19

2020 has been many things, and a year of learning tough lessons is one of them. The strictest lockdown periods, gradual reopening of economies, and social distancing rules of the ‘new normal’ taught many photographers the importance of ensuring their business is sustainable. Considering COVID-19 is likely to be around…

8 DIY lighting tricks for creative photography

8 DIY Lighting Tricks For Creative Photography: Video Tutorial

Yet another effective video tutorial from COOPH about DIY lighting tricks for creative photography. In this video the COOPH photographers show you easy yet effective ways to improve your images with unique lighting sources. They utilize everyday objects like glasses or utensil holders to make their images stand out. Don’t…

8 reasons to going to art school

8 Reasons Why You Should Consider Going To Art School

Becoming an artist can be one of the most exciting professions you can have in your life. Whether it’s about animation, painting, photography, or graphic design, your artistic talent will surely have a place in the art industry. And, while most artistic careers don’t require a degree, it doesn’t necessarily…

6 Creative Ideas For Smartphone Miniature Photography

6 Creative Ideas For Smartphone Miniature Photography

It’s a small world out there – that was the motto for this week’s COOPH video that’s all about miniature figure photography. The idea behind this unique style of photography is to integrate a true-scale object into a miniature world. The COOPH photographers cleaned their worktops, dusted off their keyboards…

Virtual Events Can Open Many Doors for Budding Photographers

Virtual Events Can Open Many Doors For Budding Photographers

In April of this year, photography industry giant Nikon put its own spin on the trend of the virtual events by creating a program that would enable photography buffs to gain inspiration while also acquiring new skills. The brand even offered 10 Nikon School online photography classes free of charge…

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