Tag : Photo Gallery

Jamie Livingston From America Took A Polaroid Every Day For 18 Years Until The Day He Died

Jamie Livingston start this polaroid project on March 31st 1979. He decided to take a picture every day with his Polaroid SX-70 Camera. He continued this project for 18 years until the day he died in 1997. For more info: Jamie Livingston – Some photos of that day (View photos…

The Best 50 Wedding Photographs Of The Year 2016

Here are the Best 50 Wedding Photographs Of The Year 2016 from June Bug Weddings. There are totally 9000 images submitted from 50 different countries. They choose these 50 stunning photos from the list. Fore More Info JunebugWeddings (View photos on Boredpanda)  …

The 30 Best & Mind-blowing Photographs of Iceland

The Republic of Iceland, is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has a population of 332,529 and an area of 103,000 km, making it the most sparsely populated country in Europe. Here in this post Boredpanda collected the best photographs of Iceland. All photos are linked…

The Best 20 Travel Photos Of 2016 From Siena International Photo Awards

Siena International Photo Award is one of the photo contests with the highest international participation ever. 2016 edition has received nearly 50, 000 images from amateur and professional photographers from 130 countries worldwide. Here are the Best 20 photos of winners and honorable mentions. You can find more info: Siena…

Results From Our Ansel Adams-Inspired Photo Competition On Photocrowd.com!

Back in April we asked you to enter your best shots that take inspiration or bear resemblance to the classic Ansel Adams shot, ‘Clearing Winter Storm’. The contest was hosted over on Photocrowd.com and attracted over 500 submissions from around the world. There were two categories: the ‘Expert’ category, judged…

Winners Of Atkins Ciwem Environmental Photographer Of The Year 2016

Here are the Winners and shortlisted entries for 2016 Atkins Ciwem Environmental Photographer Of The Year. The winning and shortlisted photographs are exhibited at the Royal Geographical Society in London until August 21, 2016. More Information on 2016 Environmental Photographer of the Year (View photos on My Modern Met)  …

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