Tag : Photo Gallery

Shocking Photographs Of Veterans After A Decade Of War In the Middle East By David Jay & James Nachtwey

Check these heart touching photographs veterans after a decade of war in the middle east. These photographs are captured by master photographers David Jay & James Nachtwey. For More info: David Jay’s Website James Nachtwey’s Website (View photos on Boredpanda)  …

Innocence Of Childhood: Winner And Finalists Of Child Photo Competition

Child Photo Competition is an is an International Photography & Art Organization founded in Europe devoted to celebrating art of child photography. They are conducting photo competitions every month. In May 2017, they conducted in theme of “Innocence”. Here are the 30 stunning photos Winner and Finalists from the competition.…

Vatsal Kataria From India Create Epic Outdoor Scenes Almost Without Spending Any Money

Vatsal Kataria from India love to shoot creative and conceptual photos. He is expert in miniature photography. He make all the stuff use in a set of the very minimum resources. Please check these below creatures from Vatsal and inspire yourself. You can find Vatsal Kataria on the Web: Website,…

Amazing Photos of Trains Roaring Through Beautiful Landscapes

Here in this post we are presenting amazing photos of trains roaring through beautiful landscapes. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites. (View photos on Mymodernmet)  …

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