Tag : Photo Gallery

Cutest Photos Of Newborns At The Center Of Handmade Mandalas By Gabriele Dabasinskaite

Check these cutest photos of newborn babies at the center of handmade mandalas by photographer Gabriele Dabasinskaite (Just Gaba Photography). In her words about this project: “When I was 7 years old, I discovered graphic arts. It was my passion and I went that path for a very long time.…

Photographer Benjamin Von Wong Transformed 4,100 Pounds Of e-Waste Into Post-Apocalyptic Landscapes

Every single day, 142,000 computers are thrown away in the United States alone. At least, that was the case in 2010. Electronic waste is the fastest growing municipal waste stream in the world. Today, that number is far higher and the only way to alleviate the situation is getting people…

Photographer Craig P. Burrows Captures Intensely Beautiful Flowers Under Ultraviolet Lights

Craig P. Burrows is a 29-year-old photographer based in Southern California. Craig amazingly captures flowers under infrared and ultraviolet lights, turning them into something out-of-this-world. Check these beautiful tiny details in each photograph, we wouldn’t normally be noticed. You can find Craig P. Burrows on the web: Website Instagram Via:…

Photographer Roberta Baneviciene Beautifully Captured Her Daughter With Every Possible Flower In Her Hand

UK based Award Winning Photographer Roberta Baneviciene beautifully captured her daughter with every possible flower In her hand. Me and my daughter would always find ourselves with flowers in our hands. So, this inspired me to take photographs with as many flowers as I could find and in every season…

Winners Of 2017 International Wedding Photographer Of The Year

These are the winning photos of 2017 International Wedding Photographer of the Year (IWPOTY). IWPOTY honors the art of wedding photography around the world in different categories. Please check below photographs and inspire yourself. You can find IWPOTY on the web: Website Facebook Instagram Grand Prize winner & Solo Portrait…

Photographer Christian Vieler Amazingly Captured The Portraits Of Dogs Catching Treats in Mid-Air

German Photographer Christian Vieler has been taking dog portraits since 2016. He came up with the latest series of Dogs catching treats. Christian features pairs basset hounds, border collies and labradors trying to catch a treat in mid-air. The photos capture a humorous range of expressions, from expectancy to surprise,…

Self-Love: Photographer Hsin Wang Deeply Captured Her Feelings About Romantic Relationships

After a major break up, I deeply believed that if I didn’t transform myself into a more likable woman, there would be no more happiness in my life. So I started to dispose of everything that defined the old “me”-things I did, said, and even believed, and in particular the…

Dutch Photographer Gabriel Guita Beautifully Captured Amsterdam Covered By Heavy Snow

Amsterdam is the Netherlands’ capital, known for its artistic heritage, elaborate canal system and narrow houses with gabled facades, legacies of the city’s 17th-century Golden Age. Gabriel Guita photographer based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands beautifully captured the Amsterdam most famous places and beautiful moments in heavy snow. Check these brilliant…

Encolhi As Pessoas: I Shrunk The People – Miniature Photo Series By Renan Viana

Brazilian Photographer Renan Viana creates these stunning miniature photographs under the project Encolhi As Pessoas (I Shrunk The People). For Renan, the idea of ​​the project came in early 2014, during a visit to an antiquarian in the city of Belem in Brazil. He found a box with miniatures and…

Turkish Photographer Cuma Cevik Captures Beautiful Landscapes Around The World

Turkish photographer Cuma Cevik organizes adventurous trips to a wide range of countries after being inspired to shoot incredible landscape photography around the world. Bringing along curious travelers, they set out on photo safaris to capture the magical landscapes of each setting. Interestingly, it was an early love of fine…

Breathtaking Winning Photos Of Birth Becomes Her Photo Contest 2018

Here are the Breathtaking Winning Photos Of Birth Becomes Her Photo Contest 2018. This is the first contest of Birth Becomes Her. There are total 966 photographs submitted around the globe and over 22,000 public votes worldwide. For more info: View Full Gallery Website Overall Winner By Marijke Thoen Photo…

I Look At The World Through The Mirror: Photo Series By Małgorzata Sajur

Polish photographer Małgorzata Sajur who looks at life through a mirror. Beautiful series of photographs with a unique perspective. Whether it’s in a reflective series on herself or a window to the world, the mirror becomes a new way to interpret the world in her hands. Thanks Malgorzata for presenting…

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