Tag : Photo Gallery

Street Photography & The Art of Composition

Street Photography & The Art of Composition – 30 Majestic Photographs (Part 11)

Here are the next amazing set of examples in the art of composition in street photography. Please check the previous sets from the below links. Street Photography may have been attacked on appreciated from all directions and one would easily come to a conclusion that the length and breadth of…

Tošo Dabac – Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

Tošo Dabac (18 May 1907 – 9 May 1970) was an internationally renowned Croatian photographer. Dabac spent nearly his entire working career in Zagreb, Croatia. While he worked on many different kinds of publications throughout his career, he is primarily notable for his black-and-white photographs of Zagreb street life during…

Photographer Oleg Tolstoy Stunningly Captured The Tokyo’s Nighttime Taxi Drivers

Photographer Oleg Tolstoy is an amazing storyteller from London. His curiosity for social interaction and human behaviour shapes his unique visual commentary. His imagery dives deep into raw human emotion, often singling out his subjects from densely populated scenes. Oleg’s projects are united by their fresh perspectives on modern life.…

Beautiful Black And White Photographs Of Under The Sea By Anuar Patjane Floriuk

Anuar Patjane Floriuk is Mexico born Social Anthropologist and Photographer. Anaur believes in pure and unlimited creative power and he wants to avoid all stereotype photographs, his creations are very unique and unrepeatable and endless. In his words “The best thing we can do as photographers is to give the…

Sune Jonsson – Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

Sune Jonsson (20 December 1930 – 30 January 2009) was a Swedish documentary photographer and writer. Jonsson was born in Nyåker outside Nordmaling in the province of Västerbotten, Sweden. After studying folklore and literature in Stockholm and Uppsala, Jonsson returned in the early 1960s to northern Sweden. His debut book…

The Winning Photos Of 2018 Dog Photographer Of The Year

Dog Photographer Of The Year 2018 Winners are announced and they are just stunning. There are 10 categories in this contest: Assistance Dogs, Dogs at Play, Dogs at Work, I Love Dogs Because…, Man’s Best Friend, Oldies, Portrait, Puppies, Rescue, and Young Pup. The overall winner for 2018 is Monica…

Dave Heath – Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

David Martin “Dave” Heath (27 June 1931 – 27 June 2016) was an American documentary and humanist photographer, whose most famous work was candid street photography. He was a mostly self-taught photographer. He was born in Philadelphia and was inspired by Life magazine, most notably an article Bad Boy’s Story…

Canadian Photographer Naska Demini Beautifully Captured Graphic and Coloured Structures in Montreal

Canadian Photographer Naska Demini beautifully captured the series of Architectural photos of the McGill University Health Center located in Montreal. In his words about this series “I’ve captured its vibrant colours and shapes as if I was capturing a portrait of a robot, he says. The shapes and lines reminded…

25 Inspiring Color Street Photographs From HCSP Flickr Group Of This Season

It’s always very difficult to shoot street photography in color, but in this gallery, these amazing photographers prove, streets always beautiful and real with colors. Here we have collected some stunning examples of color street photos from Hardcore Street Photography (HCSP) Flickr group. HSCP is very famous Flickr group among…

Singular Beauties: Fine Art Portraits By Romanian Photographer Michelle de Rose

Michelle de Rose is a Romanian Fine Art Photographer. Her photographs are poetic, emotive and surrealistic in each way. Michelle de Rose is very fascinated by the different expressions and personalities a face can show. She is attracted by the singular, strange and almost never shown. In her words “this…

Winners Of The 2018 iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS)

The iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS) is announced the winners of the 11th Annual Awards. There were thousands of entries submitted by iPhone photographers from over 140 countries around the world. The Grand Prize Winner Photographer of the Year Award goes to Jashim Salam of Bangladesh for his entry Displaced. First,…

Beautiful Aerial Photographs Of Swimming Pools By German Photographer Stephan Zirwes

German Photographer Stephan Zirwes beautifully captured these swimming pools from the aerial point of view. From above, it is the geometry that strikes, as well as the different shades of blue. From this project, he wants to show us the importance of water by confronting us to its misuse and…

Vladimir Lagrange – Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

Vladimir Lagrange was a Russian photographer born in 1939 in Moscow. In 1959-1963 he was working in “Photokhronika TASS”. Since 1963-1989 – special photo correspondent of “Soviet Union” Magazine, in 1989-1991 – in “Native Land” Magazine, in 1991-1995 – in Moscow representative of French Agency “Sipa – Press”. © Vladimir…

Girls In Dresses Against Backgrounds Of The Most Beautiful Places Captured By Kristina Makeeva

Russian Photographer Kristina Makeeva beautifully captured girls in dresses against backgrounds of the most beautiful places. A girl in a dress is probably one of the most beautiful phenomena in the world. A girl in a dress on the background of an incredible landscape can bring to the ecstasy of…

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