Tag : Photo Gallery

Warm Lights in Cold Places by Henri Prestes

Warm Lights in Cold Places by Henri Prestes

This series was created while roaming through small towns and villages of southern Europe, during cold and misty nights, aiming to find cinematic moments on mostly deserted places, often using long exposures to be able to capture the light in the surrounding darkness. You can find Henri Prestes on the…

Photographer Tom Hegen Amazingly Captured Germany's Largest Coal Mines

Photographer Tom Hegen Amazingly Captured Germany’s Largest Coal Mines

Lignite is still one of Germany’s largest energy suppliers. Energy production from coal has enabled our civilization to make great economic and social progress, but at the same time, it represents one of our greatest ecological problem. Burning fossil energy sources contributes significantly to global warming. About Tom Hegen My…

Black Lives Matter: Protest Against Racism By Skander Khlif

Black Lives Matter: Protest Against Racism By Skander Khlif

Munich, June 6th 2020. Königplatzt was once used as a square for the Nazi Party’s mass rallies. Today, 25 thousands people used the square to demonstrate against racism. About Skander Khlif As a documentary photographer, Skander Khlif can call upon a wealth of different cultures. Born in 1983, he grew…

Blunt Umbrellas: Beautiful Drone Series By Petra Leary

Blunt Umbrellas: Beautiful Drone Series By Petra Leary

Blunt Umbrellas, this beautiful series captured with DJI x Hasselblad Mavic Pro 2 and the DJI Phantom 4 Pro. Petra Leary is an award winning New Zealand born aerial photographer. Her ability to capture her subjects from unique perspectives is striking and groundbreaking. She has an innate design sensibility, reflected…

Side-By-Side Portraits Of Famous Historical Figures

Side-By-Side Portraits Of Famous Historical Figures And Their Direct Descendants By Drew Gardner

Fueled by his passion for history, photographer Drew Gardner recreated portraits of some of the world’s most famous historical figures, featuring their direct descendants as models. Getting ready for the series required much more than a few phone calls. Not only did Gardner carry out in-depth research tracing the direct…

Diverse Voices: Stunning Diversity Portraits By Laura Zalenga

#DiverseVoices: Stunning Diversity Portraits By Laura Zalenga

At the Cannes Lions Festival I asked people to tell me something about diversity for Adobe’s project #DiverseVoices. Here is what they said: “Diversity means that I can have a voice as an underrepresented member of the community.” – Cherly Osei from Ghana living in London “There is many good…

Winners Of Minimalist Photographer Of The Year 2020

Winners Of Minimalist Photographer Of The Year 2020

Minimalist Photography Awards announced the winners for 2020 in the categories of Abstract, Aerial, Architecture, Conceptual, Fine Art, Landscape, Long Exposure, Night, Open Theme, Photomanipulation, Portrait, and Street. Minimalist Photography Awards is a non-profit association, powered by black & white Minimalism magazine which aims to recognize, reward, and expose talented…

Nothing Botanics: Fine Art Photography By Raffaello De Vito

Nothing Botanics: Fine Art Photography By Raffaello De Vito

The first thing I found was this. What the Photograph reproduces to infinity has occurred only once: the Photograph mechanically repeats what could never be repeated existentially. In the Photograph, the event is never transcended for the sake of something else: the Photograph always leads the corpus I need back…

San Francisco: Colorful Minimalist Photography By David Behar

San Francisco: Colorful Minimalist Photography By David Behar

This series was shot in early March of this year in San Francisco, California. Many of the photos are from Ocean Beach, with others from Crissy Beach and the marina district. The weather was excellent that week. David Behar is an American photographer. Currently living in Los Angeles by way…

Power Poles: Conceptual Photography Series By Pawel Franik

Power Poles: Conceptual Photography Series By Paweł Franik

The POWER POLES project is a conceptual project. It is a series of photographs without description. For free interpretation by the viewer. Paweł Franik born in Knurow, a small town in the province of Silesia. Currently based in Warsaw, Poland. He studied film and photography in the WST in Katowice/Poland,…

The Final Voyage: An Homage To Greenland By Stian Klo

The Final Voyage: An Homage To Greenland By Stian Klo

Visiting Greenland is a privileged but bittersweet experience. The sheer scale and brute force of nature out there is beyond comprehension. It’s an immensely beautiful part of the world, but my mind often wanders towards the future and how it will look. The icebergs are sculpted into hypnotic patterns and…

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