Tag : Photo Gallery

Fun Illustrations Showing Different Meanings Of The “Same” Word By Bruce Worden

Fun Illustrations Showing Different Meanings Of The “Same” Word By Bruce Worden

Artist Bruce Worden creates fun illustrations showing different meanings of the same word. The English language is complex and sometimes confusing but there’s always something fascinating about it that motivates us to learn it. Bruce Worden creates some fun illustrations with these words, His series of homophone illustrations is called…

Artist Johnson Tsang Creates Surreal Sculptures Of The Human Face With Porcelain

Artist Johnson Tsang Creates Surreal Sculptures Of The Human Face With Porcelain

Sculptor Johnson Tsang creates surreal sculptures of the human face with porcelain. Johnson pushes realism’s boundaries in his sculptures of faces that are stretched and opened up in surreal ways. He incorporates hand gestures and metaphorical materials like growing leaves and rippling water to convey a sense of open-mindedness in…

Adorable Little Comics That Put A Smile On Your Face

Artist Andres Colmenares Creates Beautiful Little Comics That Put A Smile On Your Face

Colombian Artist Andres Colmenares creates beautiful little comics that put a smile on your face. His work is mostly gags inspired by everyday life with cute and positive characters. His series of adorable and wholesome web-comics feature cute animals, trees and plants, everyday objects, and even planets dealing with familiar…

Elegant Architectural Concepts By Javier Valero

Beautiful And Elegant Architectural Concepts By Javier Valero

Here we are displaying 14 beautiful and elegant architectural concepts by Javier Valero. This Spanish architect having amazing skills and he design soem elegant architecture concepts. The Shapes, interiors and colors are so amazign in his designs. Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can find Javier Valero on the web:…

Artist Maldha Mohamed Creates Beautiful & Expressive Eye Paintings

Artist Maldha Mohamed Creates Beautiful & Expressive Eye Paintings

Maldives Artist Maldha Mohamed creates the most beautiful and expressive eye paintings you will ever see. Most people know the saying “Eyes are the windows to your soul.” Well, this 22-year-old artist from the Maldives created a whole project based on that. In her words “While I do give them…

30 Amazing Pictures Showing The True Beauty Of Ukraine

30 Amazing Pictures Showing The True Beauty Of Ukraine

Here are the 30 amazing pictures showing the true beauty of Ukraine. As Ukraine continues to deal with the conflict with Russia, people all over the world are sending love and support to them. Everyone is hoping for peace to be restored. No one really wins a war, there are…

Amazing Winning Photos Of The 2022 Sony World Photography Awards

Amazing Winning Photos Of The 2022 Sony World Photography Awards

Here are the 10 amazing winning photos of the 2022 Sony World Photography Awards. The National & Regional Awards supports photographers of all abilities worldwide and celebrates their achievements. Selected from entries to the Open competition, the National Award winners are given Sony digital imaging kit plus global and local…

Photographer Geert Weggen Shoots Anti-War Squirrel Photos As A Message Of Peace

Photographer Geert Weggen Shoots Anti-War Squirrel Photos As A Message Of Peace

Swedish photographer Geert Weggen shoots anti-war squirrel photos as a message of peace. Geert has been using his photography to call for peace on Earth in an adorable way. His carefully staged scenes show anti-war squirrels communicating their message in a variety of ways. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine…

Miniature Animals By Fanni Sandor

Artist Fanni Sandor Perfectly Creates Miniature Animals And They Are Adorable

Artist Fanni Sandor perfectly creates miniature animals and they are adorable. Sandor is a biologist with plenty of nature conservation projects under her belt. But these days, she spends her time creating cute-sized replicas of wildlife. The arrival of her children allowed her to delve back into her earliest passion,…

Clever Illustrations By Shanghai Tango

30 Funny & Clever Illustrations By Shanghai Tango Will Definitely Make You Laugh

Here are the 30 funny and brilliant illustrations by Chinese Artist Shanghai Tango. These comics will definitely make you laugh and think. Tango, Gao Youjun is a Shanghai-born artist, illustrator, and author. After being challenged by a friend in 2010 to draw one cartoon each day and post it on…

Mind-Blowing Winning Photos Of 2022 Birth Photography Image Competition

Mind-Blowing Winning Photos Of 2022 Birth Photography Image Competition

Here is the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP) announce winners of the 2022 Birth Photography Image Competition. There are hundreds of submissions from photographers all around the globe. These photos are very much raw and intimate moments of childbirth. The International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP) was…

Artist Vincent Bal Turns Shadows Of Everyday Objects Into Funny Sketches

Artist Vincent Bal Turns Shadows Of Everyday Objects Into Funny Sketches

Belgian artist and filmmaker Vincent Bal turns shadows of everyday objects into funny sketches. Vincent doodles around the shadows of cups, vegetables, windows, leaves, phone chargers, etc. It all started when Vincent Bal was working on a new script and noticed the shadow of his teacup on a piece of…

Artist Vladimir Ilievski Creates Magical Paintings Inspired By Nature

Artist Vladimir Ilievski Creates Magical Paintings Inspired By Nature

Vladimir Ilievski is from Skopje, Macedonia and he is a visual artist. Graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje in 2012 and his art, in terms of the subject is mainly figurative, but contains the visual and spirit that makes an artwork painterly, technically, and emotionally valuable, and…

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