Tag : Photo Gallery

Allan Dixon Animal Selfies

25 Best Selfies From ‘The Animal Whisperer’ With Every Animal He Has Befriended

Here are the 25 best selfies from adventurer and photographer Allan Dixon aka ‘The Animal Whisperer’ with every animal he has befriended. For Allan, it’s a norm for him to take photos with exotic animals. He has basically mastered the art of taking selfies with exotic animals and he is…

Artist Gemma Gené Creates Beautiful Moments With Her Pug That’ll Make You Smile

Barcelona-born and New York-based artist Gemma Gené create beautiful moments with her Pug Dog named Mochi that will make you smile. In her words about this series “In 2012 I started the cartoon 157 of gemma as a way to escape from my Architecture undergrad final thesis project. I started…

Artist Creates Incredibly Detailed Architecture Drawings That You Could Stare At For Hours

Artist Creates Incredibly Detailed Architecture Drawings That You Could Stare At For Hours

Thailand-based Japanese Artist Emi Nakajima creates incredibly detailed architecture drawings that you could stare at for hours. Emi Nakajima has been awed by the intricate design of Gothic architecture. The ornate aesthetic of Gothic architecture can be seen in some famous cathedrals and churches across the globe. By using an…

Artist Fan Yanting Creates Emotive Little Faces Sculptures From Minimalist Ceramics

Artist Fan Yanting Creates Emotive Little Faces Sculptures From Minimalist Ceramics

Taiwanese artist Fan Yanting creates emotive little faces sculptures from minimalist ceramics. He turns the creation of ceramic pieces into a deep expression of feelings by putting emotive little faces on his minimalist porcelains. In his words about these sculptures “I empty my mind when I’m sculpting the human faces.…

Artist Raku Inoue Amazingly Crafts Insects From Freshly Cut Flowers & Leaves

Artist Raku Inoue Amazingly Crafts Insects From Freshly Cut Flowers & Leaves

Artist Raku Inoue amazingly crafts insects from freshly cut flowers and leaves. Born in Tokyo, Raku Inoue moved to Montreal when he was 9 years old. Growing up, he was influenced by both cultures, Japanese origami, and Canadian graffiti. As a budding artist, he felt that these two different types…

Cartoonist Nate Fakes Creates Hilarious & Funny Single-Panel Comics

Cartoonist Nate Fakes Creates Hilarious & Funny Single-Panel Comics

Los Angeles-based Cartoonist Nate Fakes creates hilarious and funny single-panel comics. Nate Fakes is a cartoonist, creative writer, illustrator, and donut enthusiast that resides in the L.A. area. He creates hilarious single-panel comics, and they’re absolutely impossible not to laugh at. In his words “I’ve been a cartoonist my whole…

Digital Artist Colorizes Old Photos And Explains Their Backstories

Digital Artist Joel Bellviure colorizes old photos and explains their backstories. Looking at black and white historical photos, one can’t help but imagine how their subjects might have actually looked liked in real life. That’s where Joel Bellviure of Cassowary Colorizations steps in. The man creates detailed colorizations of historical…

25 Photos Of Surprising Shadow Illusions That Made Them Look Twice

Here we have collected 25 photos of surprising shadow illusions that made them look twice. An optical illusion is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality. When nature creates its own artwork, not even our greatest artists…

25 Funny Photos Of People Standing Weirdly In Public Shared By This Instagram Page

25 Funny Photos Of People Standing Weirdly In Public Shared By This Instagram Page

Here we have collected 25 funny photos of people standing weirdly in public shared by this Instagram page called “peoplestanding“. This group was created in 2015 with over 158K followers. Scroll down and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please…

Cartoonist Creates Sticky Note Drawings That Shows Everyday Problems Of Adulthood

Cartoonist Creates Sticky Note Drawings That Shows Everyday Problems Of Adulthood

London-based Cartoonist Chaz Hutton creates sticky note drawings that show the everyday problems of adulthood. His series of sticky note drawings depict simple stickman figures dealing with life’s quotidian struggles. Using dialogue bubbles, he conveys his observations about adult life through the stick figures. Chaz Hutton shows sticky note drawings…

30 Photos Of Vandalism Was Mild And Funny, As Shared In This Online Group

Here we have collected 30 photos of vandalism was mild and funny, as shared in this online group. If you have ever come across the subreddit r/MildlyVandalised, you probably know what we are talking about. The online community is dedicated to mild acts of vandalism that don’t harm anybody. Scroll…

French Artist Creates Fun Art With Everyday Things In The Street

French Artist Cal creates fun art with everyday things in the street. He can find his can vas everywhere in the streets, from wall cracks, pipes, trash bags, leaves, empty cans, and more. By painting on the surface, the artist can turn random slabs of rocks into books and create…

Artist Ben Young Creates Amazing Sculptures That Shows The Beauty Of The Ocean

Artist Ben Young Creates Amazing Sculptures That Shows The Beauty Of The Ocean

New Zealand based artist Ben Young creates amazing sculptures that shows the beauty of the ocean. Ben inspired by marine landscapes and grandness of the sea, he uses the combination of glass and concrete materials to create these beautiful sculptures. He recreates the clear blue water by handcrafting from clear…

25 Unusual Animals That Nature Has Given A Unique Appearance

25 Unusual Animals That Nature Has Given A Unique Appearance

Here we have collected 25 photos of unusual animals that nature has given a unique appearance. Just take a look at these photos, maybe you will discover something new and want to get a similar pet with a very unusual patterns. Continue scrolling and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked…

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