Tag : Minimalism

Artist Benedetto Demaio Creates Poetic Photographs In Turquoise Tones

Artist Benedetto Demaio Creates Poetic Photographs In Turquoise Tones

Italian artist Benedetto Demaio creates poetic photographs in turquoise tones. Every artist strive to find their signature style, Benedetto choose create his own abstract style using turquoise color scheme. He has a very unique style of compositions with minimalist approach. He have more than 120k following on Instagram by capturing…

Graphic Designer Creates Major City Logos Based On Their Famous Landmarks

Graphic Designer Creates Major City Logos Based On Their Famous Landmarks

Yemen-based graphic designer Mohamed Al-Jaadaby creates major city logos based on their famous landmarks. His ongoing series of minimalist illustrations feature the names of some of the world’s most iconic cities inside of major landmarks. Al-Jaadaby beautifully creates these logos in Adobe Illustrator, below you can find a video how…

Fun Illustrations Showing Different Meanings Of The “Same” Word By Bruce Worden

Fun Illustrations Showing Different Meanings Of The “Same” Word By Bruce Worden

Artist Bruce Worden creates fun illustrations showing different meanings of the same word. The English language is complex and sometimes confusing but there’s always something fascinating about it that motivates us to learn it. Bruce Worden creates some fun illustrations with these words, His series of homophone illustrations is called…

Abstract Street Photography by an Italian Photographer – Giovanni Tisocco

Unique & Abstract Street Photography by Italian Photographer Giovanni Tisocco

Giovanni Tisocco is an Italian Photographer who loves to shoot the elusive emotion, play games with the shapes, colors which are really enchanting to the eyes and rejoicing for the mind. His form of photography is all about expressing one’s self and to communicate through it. He says he has never been crazy…

Winners of Black and White Minimalist Photography Prize 2021

Winners of Black and White Minimalist Photography Prize 2021

Here are the winners and top photographers from Black and White Minimalist Photography. As an approach in photography, minimalism or minimalistic photography could be taken by the photographer in all genres. No matter whether you’re a portrait, architecture or landscape photographer, minimalistic photos are always an option as long as…

GuruShots Winning Images From The Power of Minimalism Challenge

GuruShots Winning Images From The Power of Minimalism Challenge

We teamed up again with the world’s leading photo game GuruShots to showcase the winning images from the Power of Minimalism photography challenge. By competing in epic challenges against millions of photographers, you can get instant feedback and exposure from over three billion monthly votes and increase your ranking from…

Minimalism in Street Photography – Color Collection

Minimalism in Street Photography is an interesting concept and a simple shortcut in taking your photography to the next level. Composition is of-course the everything when approaching a minimal shot, various elements are taken into consideration, such as where to position your subject inside the frame, balancing your composition, and…

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