Tag : Landscape & Travel Photography

Winners Of Atkins Ciwem Environmental Photographer Of The Year 2016

Here are the Winners and shortlisted entries for 2016 Atkins Ciwem Environmental Photographer Of The Year. The winning and shortlisted photographs are exhibited at the Royal Geographical Society in London until August 21, 2016. More Information on 2016 Environmental Photographer of the Year (View photos on My Modern Met)  …

National Geographic Travel Photographer Of The Year 2016 – Winners and Honorable Mentions

Here are the Winners and Honorable Mentions of National Geographic Travel Photographer of the year 2016. This year, the grand prize winner is Anthony Lau for his photograph Winter Horseman which he captured in Mongolia. Click the below link to view more photos by each week. Click here to know…

Jakub Polomski – This Polish Photographer Tells What Certain Degree Of Fear And Love Towards Your Subjects Can Do

Jakub Polomski from Poland tells his favorite subjects for photography are mountains. I must admit the fact that I really had a hard time curating the best stuff for this showcase, Yes because it was hard to pick just one from this astoundingly breathtaking set of pictures. For Jakub, it…

Franz Sussbauer – This German Photographer Shoots Something And Then Leaves The Rest To Your Imagination

Meet Franz Sussbauer from Germany who creates such picturesque landscape photographs across the globe. The sense of composition is elegant in his photographs and such poise and drama within every frame here. His love for the mountain and valley filled Norway in quiet evident and Franz has mastered every way…

Bjørg-Elise Tuppen Makes Us Breathe The Norwegian Trance In These Mystical Photographs

This is Bjorg-Elise Tuppen from Norway for us, I am losing adjectives to describe the beauty within these landscapes, let me leave it to you. There is silence, trance, elite harmony and what not in these foggy atmospheric photographs. Very moodaholic photographs making you travel in time towards these mystic…

Hypnotizing Forests Of Slovenia Captured By Filip Eremita

Slovenia based photographer Filip Eremita captured these stunning photos of Slovenia forests. These forests are covered about 60% of the surface, which means that almost every Slovenian village is located near the forest. You can find Filip Eremita on the web: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (View photos on Boredpanda)  …

20 Best Entries Of 2016 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest

Here are the 20 Best Entries of National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest. This contest will end on May 27. Click here to submit your entries. The Grand Prize on offer is a 7-day Polar Bear Safari for two (including airfare) at Churchill Wild-Seal River Heritage Lodge in Manitoba, Canada. For…

Lukas Furlan – This Italian Photographer Is Just 25 And Has Already Redefined Travel and Landscape Photography

Should we envy or fall in inspiration towards viewing this portfolio. Exceptional breathtaking stuff from this photographer Lukas Furlan. In my opinion, I would definitely say this portfolio as redefining the term of travel and landscape photography. Such classy elegance in compositions and exceptional light with elements of nature such…

Devansh Jhaveri – This Indian Photographer Inspires Us With A Clear Vision For Street Photography

Very interesting juxtapositions on street photography from Devansh Jhaveri. In this amazing interview with us, Devansh reveals a lot on his knowledge towards photography, various concepts and his understanding beyond this certain genre. Speaking about his photographs, there is a clever balance of compositions and color schema within his portfolio,…

Enter our Ansel Adams Inspired Contest on Photocrowd For a Chance To Win Prizes and Gain Exposure

Ansel Adams is one of the most revered photographers of all time – a true master of black and white landscape photography, which he used in his lifelong dedication to environmental activism. To pay tribute to his work, 121clicks has teamed up with Photocrowd.com to run a contest inspired by…

Photographer Michalina Okreglicka Capturing These Beautiful Roads Of Iceland For 16 Months

Photographer Michalina Okreglicka capturing these beautiful roads of Iceland from last 16 months. She loves to travel around Iceland. Most of the below pictures she captured in the road number 1. The main road in Iceland. You can find Michalina Okreglicka on the Web: Facebook (View photos on Boredpanda)  …

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