Tag : Landscape Photography

Above Greenland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Above Greenland: A Photography Series By Christian Hoiberg

Visiting the West Coast of Greenland is a bittersweet experience. My visits here are without a doubt some of my photographic highlights but it’s also alarming hearing the local residents talk about how climate change is affecting their beloved land. They talk about icebergs that were over a hundred meters…

The Quarried: Marble Quarrying In Northern Tuscany By Roland Kramer

The Quarried: Marble Quarrying In Northern Tuscany By Roland Krämer

The Quarried Series is a documentary series & a visual exploration of marble quarrying in Carrara. At the northernmost tip of Tuscany, one of the world’s finest & renowned marble is getting quarried. The Carrara Marble. A white or blue-grey marble that is used for sculpturing, architecture & interior decoration…

Falling Beauty: A Study of Beauty and Decay By Rene Algesheimer

Falling Beauty: A Study of Beauty and Decay By René Algesheimer

Glacier caves – the Amber Rooms of nature. These beautiful arrangements of cyanic blues allow a look back into the history of these glacier. The striking black lines tell a long rigmarole from past volcanic eruptions. Although beautiful creatures these caves emerge for sad reasons. Through global warming, melting water…

Best ways to capture Northern Lights and snowy peaks

Best Ways To Capture Northern Lights And Snowy Peaks

Northern Lights or in another world, Aurora Borealis is one of the must-see places on Earth. The mesmerizing and picturesque experience shall be seen and left in memory forever. People from all over the world travel to Norway in order to witness the natural majesty and the most beautiful place,…

Chamonix: Beautiful Landscape Photography By Damien Guiot

Chamonix: Beautiful Landscape Photography By Damien Guiot

Three days of hiking to discover the mountains around Chamonix during the month of August 2020. Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, more commonly known as Chamonix, is a commune in the Haute-Savoie department in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region in south-eastern France. It was the site of the first Winter Olympics in 1924. Situated to the…

Kanas, Heavenly Wonderland: Beautiful Landscape Photography By Florian Delalee

Kanas, Heavenly Wonderland: Beautiful Landscape Photography By Florian Delalee

The Mongolian term “Kanas” means “the lake in the valley”. Lying near the Altai Mountains in Xinjiang extend across China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and Russia, the lakeside is covered with lush grasses and trees, some trestles stretching to the middle of the lake. Kanas Lake is famous for its changing colors,…

Australian Photographer Jason Freeman Traveled Across 45 Different National Parks In Victoria

Australian Photographer Jason Freeman Traveled Across 45 Different National Parks In Victoria

As a weekend photographer and keen explorer of our natural spaces, I set myself a photo project of capturing every land-based national park in my home state of Victoria, located in the south-east corner of Australia. Capturing all 45 of them took two years of regular trips, outside work, and…

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