Tag : Inspiration

50 Genius Solutions To Various Problems, People Posted On Redneck Engineering Group

50 Genius Solutions To Various Problems, People Posted On Redneck Engineering Group (New Pics)

50 genius solutions to various problems, people posted on Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering. Before we step into the Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering, I should warn you not to try this at home under any circumstances. Because safety will likely be breached, and the gadgets you’ll see will raise an alarming level of…

Audi Hires Photographer Felix Hernandez To Shoot Their $40,000 Car, He Uses A $40 Toy Car Instead

Audi Hires Photographer Felix Hernandez To Shoot Their $40,000 Car, He Uses A $40 Toy Car Instead

Audi hires Mexican photographer and art director Felix Hernandez to shoot their $40,000 Q2 crossover for Audi magazine. Felix is famous for miniature photography, he uses a $40 toy car instead. Check this amazing work below, also watch the behind-the-scene video. You can find Felix Hernandez on the web: Website…

22 Strange Photos Of “Against All Odds” Moments That People Have Spent All Their Luck To Capture

22 Strange Photos Of “Against All Odds” Moments That People Have Spent All Their Luck To Capture

Here in this collection 22 strange photos of “Against All Odds” moments that people have spent all their luck to capture. If you find anything similar, you can post your pictures in comment section. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel…

25 Photos Of Strange Looking Faces In Everyday Objects

25 Photos Of Strange Looking Faces In Everyday Objects

Here in this collection, you can find 25 strange-looking faces photos in everyday objects. For example, the backpack, postbox, car seatbelt, hanger, onion, and many more. If you’re seeing faces everywhere you look, there’s no need to freak out because there’s actually nothing wrong with you. This experience is called…

Canadian Photographer Joel Robison Creates Amazing Miniature Images Of Himself

Canadian Photographer Joel Robison Creates Amazing Miniature Images Of Himself

Canadian photographer Joel Robison creates amazing miniature images of himself. Joel Robison is a creative and conceptual photographer originally from Cranbrook, British Columbia, Canada. Here in this post, he is presenting 58 stunning miniature photographs. Joel likes to create worlds where size, scale, and movement don’t work according to the…

The Winners Of WildArt POTY Motion Competition

The Winners Of WildArt POTY Motion Competition

Here are the winners and highly commended photographs from WildArt POTY Motion Competition 2021. MOTION is the 9th of the ten WildArt categories and accepted entries during September; it is the concept of husband and wife team, Jari and Kaisa Peltomäki from Finland. Jari and Kaisa are professional wildlife photographers…

15 Winning Photos Of Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021

15 Winning Photos Of Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021

The funniest and most popular photography competition in the world, The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020 has reached its conclusion and is proud to announce that the OVERALL WINNER of this year’s competition is Ken Jensen, a keen amateur photographer from Blackburn for his amazing photograph entitled ‘Ouch! The Competition…

People Share Their Worst Days Through 22 Pics

People Share Their Worst Days Through 22 Pics

Here are the 22 photos people share on their worst days. We experience some days that almost everything seems not to work out, and we call them bad days. But there are days that the word “bad” does not enough to explain our feeling for what happened to us. It’s…

45 Brilliant & Creative Ads With Amazing Art Direction

45 Brilliant & Creative Ads With Amazing Art Direction

Here in this gallery, you can find 45 brilliant and creative Advertisements with an amazing art direction. The message is the hero in advertisements, for conveying to proper message art direction is really important. Here we have compiled the finest examples of amazing ads with the finest Design, Illustration, Typography,…

40 Photos That Look Like A Dystopian Movie But Are Sadly Real, People Posted On Urban Hell Group

30 Over Crowded Places Posted By Urban Hell Reddit Group

Here are the 30 over crowded places posted by Urban Hell Group on Reddit. r/UrbanHell is a photography subreddit of “all the hideous places human beings built or inhabit.” The online community invites everyone who wants to explore the darker side of the cities, towns, and villages in our shared…

26 Amazing Winners Of The Environmental Photographer Of The Year 2021

26 Amazing Winners Of The Environmental Photographer Of The Year 2021

Here are the winners of The Environmental Photographer Of The Year 2021. The Environmental Photographer of the Year (EPOTY) competition showcases the most inspirational environmental photography from around the world. The award celebrates humanity’s ability to survive and innovate and showcases thought-provoking images that call attention to our impact and…

40 Genius Solutions To Various Problems, People Posted On Redneck Engineering Group

40 Genius Solutions To Various Problems, People Posted On Redneck Engineering Group

40 genius solutions to various problems, people posted on Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering. Before we step into the Reddit community r/RedNeckEngineering, I should warn you not to try this at home under any circumstances. Because safety will likely be breached, and the gadgets you’ll see will raise an alarming level of…

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