Tag : Inspiration

Butterfly: A Deep Emotional Portraits By Dasha Pears

Butterfly: A Deep Emotional Portraits By Dasha Pears

A human being’s character and personality are largely the results of things that happened to him/her in the course of life. Some life situations leave a deep emotional impact on us, which stays with us for years and often goes into the subconscious. We take on an emotion, usually a…

30 Photos Of Nature In Its Full Glory And Magnificence

30 Photos Of Nature In Its Full Glory And Magnificence

Here in this gallery, we are presenting 30 photos of nature in its full glory and magnificence. In This Subreddit group is a place where magical photos of nature are shared by people all across the world. From wild reindeer running under the northern lights to a mesmerizing blue snake,…

IPF Portrait Prize 2021

IPF Portrait Prize 2021: Winners & Finalists Of The Contest

The ‘Indian Photo Festival’ PORTRAIT PRIZE 2021 is a portrait competition open to photographers from the Indian subcontinent. Photographers have been making portraits for centuries and what’s so interesting about portraiture is its ability to capture the essence of a person, a time period, or a culture. This award aims…

Stunning Winning Photos Of Nature inFocus Photography Contest 2021

Stunning Winning Photos Of Nature inFocus Photography Contest 2021

Here are the winners and finalists of the Nature inFocus Photography Contest 2021, the winners announced on November 22nd via YouTube Live stream. Over 2,000 photographers from 40 countries submitted close to 18,000 photographs. The annual event showcases creative wildlife photography, animal portraits, creative nature shots, and more. Since 2014,…

Photographer Hugo Suíssas Reveals the Power of Perspective With Playful Compositions

Photographer Hugo Suíssas Reveals the Power of Perspective With Playful Compositions

Lisbon-based Photographer Hugo Suíssas reveals the power of perspective with playful compositions. Many people use specific angles, scale, and depth to take photos next to landmarks. The same way Hugo Suíssas creates his photos in a creative and amazing way. He creates images that turn ordinary landscapes and everyday objects…

French Artist Samir Belhamra Transforms Ordinary Photos In A Mind-Blowing Way

French Artist Samir Belhamra Transforms Ordinary Photos In A Mind-Blowing Way

Samir Belhamra was fascinated by art from his childhood. He started drawing, making graffiti’s and inventions when he was a kid, then the internet, Photography, and tools such as Photoshop opened an endless horizon to travel through graphic universes. They allowed him to develop his ideas and creativity. Here in…

Funny Dad Hilariously Photoshops His Kids Into Risky Situations To Prank Mom At Work

Funny Dad Hilariously Photoshops His Kids Into Risky Situations To Prank Mom At Work

Kenny Deuss from Belgium became a father for the first time. His partner soon went back to work on Tuesdays, leaving Kenny in charge at home. Inevitably, the new mom would send him a text every week asking, “Is the baby OK?” Unable to resist. Every time Kenny’s girlfriend asks…

Wildlife Reimagined in Technicolor Dreamscapes By Jim Naughten

Wildlife Reimagined in Technicolor Dreamscapes By Jim Naughten

Photographic Artist Jim Naughten reimagined wildlife in technicolor dreamscapes. In this series titled Eremozoic, Jim Naughten combines photography and painting in surreal images that place varying species of wildlife into technicolored dreamscapes. Jim Naughten is an artist exploring historical and natural history subject matter using photography, stereoscopy and painting. He…

Artist Yulia Pidlubnyak Used Computer Graphics To Reimagine These 8 Iconic Paintings

Artist Yulia Pidlubnyak Used Computer Graphics To Reimagine These 8 Iconic Paintings

Hello, my name is Yulia Pidlubnyak, I’m from ymage works. Inspired by iconic paintings, I re-ymagined them in 3D world, focusing on architectural forms, textures, and light. I left people out from these paintings to show what lies further, which is at first unnoticed to our eye. Out of these…

Photographer Jodi Sware Captures Couples That Have Been Married For 30 Years And More

Photographer Jodi Sware Captures Couples That Have Been Married For 30 Years And More

For over three years, I have been working on a personal project that comes from my heart. While photographing 102 couples – all married between 34 and 72 years – I asked them to share their wisdom and their secrets to a long-lasting marriage. They honored me with honest, funny,…

40 Creative Drawings On Pictures Of Everyday Objects Created By Artist Irfan Yilmaz

40 Creative Drawings On Pictures Of Everyday Objects Created By Artist Irfan Yilmaz

Turkish-born artist Irfan Yilmaz, currently living in Boston, Massachusetts, who is known as “Doodletheaction” on his Instagram creates drawings on pictures of everyday objects. Irfan allows us to imagine what ordinary photos would look like if they had certain feelings and emotions portrayed visually. Irfan Yilmaz adds a touch of…

50 Times People Spotted ‘Absolute Units’ And Shared Them In This Reddit Group

50 Times People Spotted ‘Absolute Units’ And Shared Them In This Reddit Group

Have you ever faced something not normal in size? Here in this post 50 times people spotted “Absolute Units” and shared them in subreddit group called Absolute Units. You can find gigantic crabs, chonky cats or insanely huge hearts of blue whales. Whether it’s animals, food or plants, things that…

Sweet Photographs Of Kids With Animals That Might Make Your Heart Melt A Bit

Sweet Photographs Of Kids With Animals That Might Make Your Heart Melt A Bit

UK-based photographer Sujata Setia captured sweet photographs of kids with animals that might make your heart melt a bit. Photographer Sujata Setia takes pictures of adorable moments that kids share with their furry friends. Her pictures perfectly illustrate the innocence and pure feeling of affection between the little beings. Sujata…

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