Tag : Inspiration

Passenger Shaming Photos

25 Photos Proving That Passengers From Hell Exist, As Shared On This Online Group

Here are the 20 photos proving that passengers from hell exist, as shared on this Instagram account called “Passenger Shaming”. This Insta account has more than 1 million followers and selected as Rolling Stone Magazine’s “100 Best Instagram Accounts”. In this gallery, you can find some amazing funny photos that…

Photography Quotes From Master Photographer Sebastiao Salgado

40 Inspiring Photography Quotes From Master Photographer Sebastião Salgado

40 inspiring photography quotes from Brazilian documentary photographer Sebastião Salgado. Sebastião Salgado is a Documentary Photographer and Photo Journalist from Brazil. He was born on 08th February 1944 in Aimores, Brazil. When we think of photographer Sebastião Salgado, what comes to mind are the words “humanitarian”, “humanist”, and “concerned photographer”.…

Photographer Ray Collins Captured Incredible Photos Of Waves

Australian photographer Ray Collins captured incredible photos of waves. His signature style of moody seascapes captured the attention of the art world and nature lovers across the globe. In 2007 a tragic underground coal mining accident left him with a knee injury and for several months – unable to walk,…

Edible Art By Gab Bois

Canadian Artist Gab Bois Creates Edible Art That Impressed Everyone

Canadian artist Gab Bois creates edible art that impressed everyone. Gab spent her childhood crafting things from everyday objects and discarded materials. It’s this same premise that informs her art today, only now she uses photography to capture it. Here in this post, you can find some creative “edible art”…

Surreal And Whimsical Portraits By Stas Novikov

Digital Artist Stas Novikov Uses His Amazing Skills To Create Surreal And Whimsical Portraits

Russian digital artist Stas Novikov uses his amazing skills to create surreal and whimsical portraits. Stas makes detailed and fantastical images by combining realistic photos with surreal fragments and strange scenarios. In his words”It all started with the 365 days project. Every day I took a self-portrait. With each photo,…

Digital Paintings That Leap Off The Page By Tullius Heuer

Artist Tullius Heuer Creates Digital Paintings That Leap Off The Page

Brazilian artist Tullius Heuer creates digital paintings that leap off the page. Tullius is a self-taught digital artist from Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil. Tullius mixes images to create his own realities with touches of surrealism and often a certain somber bias and terror with figures that are surpassing the limits of…

Funny Coincidence Photos

30 Coincidence Photos That Show The Universe Has A Great Sense Of Humor

Here are the 30 funny coincidence photos that show the universe has a great sense of humor. The exact meaning of coincidence is “A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another.” Here in this gallery, a list of the…

30 Fake Sounding Facts That Are Actually Real, Shared By WTF Facts Twitter Account

Here are the 30 fake-sounding facts that are actually real, shared by the WTF Facts Twitter account. We all love to read or hear some interesting facts, however, sometimes we stumble upon pieces of trivia that sound simply too fake to be real. The Twitter Account called “WTF Facts” shows…

Greatest Maasai Mara Photographer of the Year Winners

10 Winning Photos From Kenya’s Maasai Mara Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 2022

Here are the 10 winning photos from Kenya’s The Greatest Maasai Mara Wildlife Photographer Of The Year 2022. Kenya’s ‘Maasai Mara’ is one of the most important wildlife reserves in Africa. Over 1,000 entries were submitted this year by around 300 photographers. All the pictures selected for the winning list…

Fairytale-Like Wildlife Photos By Roeselien Raimond

Photographer Roeselien Raimond Captured Fairytale-Like Photos That Show The Beauty Of The Wild World

Dutch photographer Roeselien Raimond captured fairytale-like photos that show the beauty of the wild world. Roeselien is a self-employed photographer, editor, and author. Specialized in fox photography, but with a love for (almost) anything that breathes. In her words “I have been a graphic designer/web designer for years, which may…

Photos With Misleading Captions

35 Photos With Misleading Captions That Completely Change What Our Brain Sees

Here are the 35 photos with misleading captions that completely change what our brain sees. These photos are collected from the r/misleadingthumbnails subreddit. For those who don’t know, this online community is dedicated to sharing “thumbnails that cause a unique optical illusion due to their small size, so when you…

Artist Galina Bugaevskaya Brilliantly Photoshops Cat Faces Onto Animals And Things

Artist Galina Bugaevskaya brilliantly photoshops cat faces onto animals and things. An Instagram account is known as “Koty Vezde” (“Cats Are Everywhere”) with full of cats photoshopped in different animals and things. The cats are photoshopped in foxes and seals, giraffes and bats, but also inanimate objects like toothpaste, cupcakes,…

Surreal Photo Manipulations by Martijn Schrijver

Digital Artist Martijn Schrijver Creates Whimsical And Surreal Photo Manipulations

Amsterdam-based digital artist Martijn Schrijver creates whimsical and surreal photo manipulations. In the below gallery, you can find many creative works of photo manipulation while the ones we like most is the series that he blends animals with the landscape. In his words “I’m inspired by nature and I like…

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