Tag : Design

Vietnamese Artist Creates Beautiful Hairstyles That Look Like Ornate Flowers

Vietnamese Artist Creates Beautiful Hairstyles That Look Like Ornate Flowers

Vietnam-based artist Nguyễn Phát Trí creates beautiful hairstyles that look like ornate flowers. Nguyen is originally a biotechnology student at An Giang University and he moved to Ho Chi Minh after graduating to pursue a career in hairdressing. There, he quickly gained recognition for his one-of-a-kind results. Most of his…

Visual Designer Charis Tsevis Creates Mosaic Portraits Inspired By Colorful Patterns From African Culture

Visual Designer Charis Tsevis Creates Mosaic Portraits Inspired By Colorful Patterns From African Culture

Greek artist and visual designer Charis Tsevis created a series of stunning digital mosaic portraits titled African Bricks, which was inspired by African matchbox houses. It’s been around 15 years now that I am studying African culture and experimenting with the rich visual language of the continent and its people…

Beautiful Photos Showing The Magic Of Interior Designing

30 Beautiful Photos Showing The Magic Of Interior Designing

30 beautiful photos showing the magic of interior designing. In every house, each room has its own charm and atmosphere. While the atmosphere is mostly decided by the people living in it, interior design also plays a role in making things beautiful. To choose the best interior design for your…

30 Photos Of Product Packaging Was So Wrong, Shared In This Online Group

30 Photos Of Product Packaging Was So Wrong, Shared In This Online Group

Here in this post, we have collected 30 photos of Product Packaging was so wrong, shared in this online group called r/EgregiousPackaging subreddit. Packaging it gets on our nerves so much when companies use far too much packaging for their products. ‘Excessive’ doesn’t even cut it when you look at…

20 Creative And Hilarious Product Packaging Designs That Will Make You Laugh Uncontrollably

20 Creative And Hilarious Product Packaging Designs That Will Make You Laugh Uncontrollably

Here are 20 creative and hilarious product packaging designs that will make you laugh uncontrollably. To draw customers’ attention, businesses have come up with unique packaging designs that made their products stand out from all others on the shelves. Many buyers even burst out laughing when they saw them. Scroll…

45 Brilliant & Creative Ads With Amazing Art Direction

45 Brilliant & Creative Ads With Amazing Art Direction

Here in this gallery, you can find 45 brilliant and creative Advertisements with an amazing art direction. The message is the hero in advertisements, for conveying to proper message art direction is really important. Here we have compiled the finest examples of amazing ads with the finest Design, Illustration, Typography,…

The Joy of Photoshop

The Joy of Photoshop: When You Ask The Wrong Guy For Fix Your Photo, Hilarious Photos

British graphic designer James Fridman takes photo requests to fix it and the result is hilarious. He published a book “The Joy of Photoshop: When You Ask The Wrong Guy For Help”. He takes requests very literally and it leads to all kinds of shenanigans. Of course, it’s all done…

15 Well-Known Historical Figures, Paintings Recreated Using Artificial Intelligence

15 Well-Known Historical Figures, Paintings Recreated Using Artificial Intelligence

Nathan Shipley is a San Francisco-based graphics artist who used artificial intelligence (AI) to reimagine a handful of historical figures, cartoon characters, and famous paintings as modern-day people. Nathan Shipley loves to create impossible images and explore new technology. Nathan has a background in animation and visual effects and once…

This Son Is Photoshopping His Dad Amazingly Into Movie Scenes And Unusual Places (25 Pics)

The British graphic designer and photoshop master Matt Bonito photoshopping his Dad into all sorts of movie scenes and funny situations for over six years now. Matt’s skills are so amazing his edits are both wholesome and hilarious. Please check out some more of Matt’s hilarious edits of his father…

Dutch Graphic Designer Photoshopped Celebrities Hanging Out With Their Younger Selves

Dutch Graphic Designer Photoshopped Celebrities Hanging Out With Their Younger Selves

Artist and Dutch graphic designer Ard Gelinck creates unique photomontages of celebrities hanging out with their younger selves. The artist started his project ten years ago and has created lot of them, some of which have even been shared by the celebrities themselves! You can check his Instagram for more…

Indian Digital Artist Karan Acharya Edits People's Photos In Amazing Way

Indian Digital Artist Karan Acharya Edits People’s Photos In Amazing Way

Indian Artist Karan Acharya is an animator and Photoshop expert who specializes in editing people’s photos by incorporating Indian tradition. When you see the result just mind-blowing. The artist is no newcomer when it comes to digital art and has created numerous impressive pieces of digital art, like this drawing…

Russian Digital Artist Max Asabin’s Photoshop Skills Are Pure Amazing

Digital Artist Max Asabin’s Photoshop Skills Are Pure Amazing

Russian Digital Artist Max Asabin is well known for his retouching and composition skills. He transforms multiple photos into one incredible visual by seamlessly blending the lighting, shadows, and colors. You can check his Youtube videos, he will show his workflow with exceptional photoshop skills. The fine details, placements of…

These 10 Famous Historical And Mythical Monuments Would Look Like In Present Day If They Survived

These 10 Famous Historical And Mythical Monuments Would Look Like In Present Day If They Survived

One of the most interesting things about studying history is learning about the marvelous things that our ancestors created. But it can be frustrating not to be able to see them. One picture is worth a thousand words, as they say; and while there have been many things written about…

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