Tag : Black and White Photography

My Personal Best: Fine Art Photographer Florin Ion Firimita

My Personal Best: Fine Art Photographer Florin Ion Firimita

Florin Ion Firimita is a visual artist, educator, and writer. He took his first photograph at the age of three using a Soviet-made Zenith camera. His interest in image making could be traced back to his father’s modest amateur photo lab in Bucharest, Romania, where he was entrusted with mixing…

Winners of Black and White Minimalist Photography Prize 2021

Winners of Black and White Minimalist Photography Prize 2021

Here are the winners and top photographers from Black and White Minimalist Photography. As an approach in photography, minimalism or minimalistic photography could be taken by the photographer in all genres. No matter whether you’re a portrait, architecture or landscape photographer, minimalistic photos are always an option as long as…

Life Around The Mustard Field By Md. Mahatur Rahman

Life Around The Mustard Field By Md. Mahatur Rahman

Mustard is one of the most important oilseed crops in Bangladesh. As it is a cold-loving crop, farmers grow it during the winter season. Mustard flowers that are in full blossom offer an amazing yellow look to the field until they turn into seeds. And so people of all ages…

Winners Of The Black And White Photography Competition By Independent Photographer

Winners Of The Black And White Photography Competition By Independent Photographer

The Independent Photographer, an international network of photography enthusiasts & photographers, has announced the winners of its Black & White Photography Contest. Regardless of genres, we wanted to celebrate the beauty and wealth of Black & White photography. Be it in street, fashion, portrait, landscape, documentary, or any other form…

LensCulture Black and White Photography Awards 2020: Winners Finalists

LensCulture B&W Photography Awards 2020: Winners & Finalists

Here are the winners and finalists of LensCulture Black and White Photography Awards 2020. Photographers from more than 120 countries responded to the international call for entries, and after extended review and passionate discussion by the jury, these 39 photographers were selected as the best. Here in this post, we…

My Personal Best: Moroccan Photographer Friha Abdelmajid

My Personal Best: Moroccan Photographer Friha Abdelmajid

My name is Friha Abdelmajid, born in 1987 in Morocco, I grew up in A modest neighborhood with My Family and photography was my passion since childhood, I love Black and white photography, I love passion in pictures As I have the attention of the documentary photography. My photos reflect…

My Personal Best: Polish Photographer Agnieszka Maruszczyk

My Personal Best: Polish Photographer Agnieszka Maruszczyk

Agnieszka Maruszczyk is a 41-years-old photographer based out of Poland. She has been mainly focused on documentary and street photography in her home country and when traveling around the world. For the last couple of years, she has been working on a personal long term project on the topic of…

Interview With Hungarian Photographer Krisztian Kiszely

Interview With Hungarian Photographer Krisztian Kiszely

Photographer Krisztian Kiszely was born in Debrecen, Hungary, he graduated from the University of Art and Design, Budapest. He is a Graphic Artist, Designer, Teacher, Applied Photographer, and Creative Director. He simply fell in photography and he wants to express life through photography. Thanks, Krisztian for accepting our invite. Please…

Wildlife Photographer Peter Delaney Spent Countless Hours To Capture These Elephants Photos

Wildlife Photographer Peter Delaney Spent Countless Hours To Capture These Elephants Photos

My love of black and white photography is only surpassed by my love of African wildlife, in particular, elephants. A decade ago on my first wildlife safari in Uganda. We happened upon a herd of elephants, my first encounter with these magnificent beasts was one a frightening one. Unfortunately, the…

Black Lives Matter Protest Portraits By Jeremy Cowart

Black Lives Matter Protest Portraits By Jeremy Cowart

Jeremy Cowart opened up his studio for free BLM Protest Portraits to the black community. He used three projectors and 3 laptops, creating multiple layers of imagery including brutality victims, tragedy headlines, the purpose of Black Lives Matter, and each person’s handwritten quotes or reflections. The purpose of these portraits…

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