Tag : Architecture

Female Architectural Voices by Poorvi Gupta

Female Architectural Voices: The Journey of the Renowned International Architect Ms. Poorvi Gupta

We recently had the privilege to sit down with Ms. Poorvi Gupta, a trailblazing international architect whose work is a testament to the power of blending tradition, innovation, and empathy. Known for her ability to craft spaces that resonate deeply with their users, Ms. Gupta’s journey is a compelling narrative…

Architecture Hunter

Incredible Architectural Feats: 25 Times Architects Surpassed All Expectations

In the realm of design and architecture, boundless creativity finds its home. Architects possess the remarkable talent to transform their imaginative concepts into awe-inspiring masterpieces. Instagram serves as the perfect canvas for these architects to display their extraordinary skills, and one particular page stands out in honoring their remarkable achievements.…

30 Beautiful Photos Of Architectural Wonders Around The World, As Shared By This Online Group

Here are the 30 most beautiful photos of architectural wonders around the world, as shared by this online architecture Reddit group. There are so many beautiful architectural wonders around the world that deserves to be seen by everyone. Scroll down and enjoy yourself. For more amazing photos check the reddit…

Ukrainian Artist Nikita Busyak Creates Incredible Illuminated Architectural Sketches

Ukrainian artist Nikita Busyak creates incredible illuminated architectural sketches. Nikita is an inventor of Glowing Archisketch technique. Each of these artworks are drawn on paper with pen and ink and the shining is drawn digitally. In each architectural drawing, he digitally manipulates the windows so that they glow with golden…

British Sculptor Matthew Simmonds Creates Miniature Marble Sculptures Of Medieval Interiors

British sculptor Matthew Simmonds creates miniature marble sculptures of medieval interiors. Making a play of architectural spaces on a small scale, the solid stone into which the sculptures are carved is opened up to reveal intricate internal worlds in which the changing viewpoint and light play a strong role in…

Artist Creates Incredibly Detailed Architecture Drawings That You Could Stare At For Hours

Artist Creates Incredibly Detailed Architecture Drawings That You Could Stare At For Hours

Thailand-based Japanese Artist Emi Nakajima creates incredibly detailed architecture drawings that you could stare at for hours. Emi Nakajima has been awed by the intricate design of Gothic architecture. The ornate aesthetic of Gothic architecture can be seen in some famous cathedrals and churches across the globe. By using an…

Elegant Architectural Concepts By Javier Valero

Beautiful And Elegant Architectural Concepts By Javier Valero

Here we are displaying 14 beautiful and elegant architectural concepts by Javier Valero. This Spanish architect having amazing skills and he design soem elegant architecture concepts. The Shapes, interiors and colors are so amazign in his designs. Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can find Javier Valero on the web:…

Photographer Captures The Dramatic Photos Of European Churches In His Series Sacred Spaces

Photographer Captures The Dramatic Photos Of European Churches In His Series Sacred Spaces

Over the millennia, churches have shifted back and forth from centers of community to individual introspection and reflection, pausing periodically along the scale as a new denomination upset the balances of tradition. The modern church is a delicate institution; under siege from countering theologies, philosophies and the super speed of…

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