Tag : Animals

Adorable Dog Photography By Omica Meinen

Photographer Omica Meinen Captured Dogs And Their Adorable Expressions In Nature (30 Photos)

Photographer Omica Meinen is passionate about dogs and she captured dogs and their adorable expressions in nature. Omica is from Staphorst, Netherlands, and she got her first camera when she was 9 years old and she loves to capture dogs and their beautiful expressions. Here in this gallery, you can…

The Harvest Mice By Miles Herbert

Photographer Miles Herbert Tiptoes Through The Tulips To Shoot Harvest Mice

British photographer Miles Herbert tiptoes through the tulips to shoot harvest mice. These amazing photographs taken by Miles Herbert is a 52-year-old photographer who runs Captivelight Photography, holding workshops and photography with “birds of prey, reptiles, frogs and other beasties.” Herbert says that the cute harvest mice you’re about to…

30 Photos Shows Friendship Between Animals Is Truly Beautiful

Here are the 30 photos that show the friendship between animals is truly beautiful. You can find such lovable photos here such as “tiger and monkey”, “the cat and dog hugs”, “the parrot sleeps next to the cat”, “friendship between mouse and cat”, “the dog and horse” and many more.…

Funny Cat Drawings By Daily Purrr

Artist Illustrates Funny Cat Photos That Made Everyone Laugh With How Accurate They Were

Latvia-based artist Ainars illustrates funny cat photos that made everyone laugh with how accurate they were. His Instagram account, Dailypurrr with around 650K followers, is filled with drawings of cats that are sent to him by his fans. Aiinars’s main goal is to make this world a happier place with…

Cute Photos Of Animals

30 Cute Photos Of Animals That Make You Go AWW!

Here are the 30 cutest photos of animals that make you go Aww!. There is a subreddit group called r/aww, a place for really cute pictures and videos. People share photos of puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on. This subreddit group has 33 million members, you can check their page…

Feeder Cam For Birds In Her BackYard By Ostdrossel

Woman Sets Up A Feeder Cam For Birds In Her Yard, And The Photos Are Extraordinary

Germany-based bird lover Lisa (aka Ostdrossel) sets up a feeder cam for birds in her yard, and the photos are extraordinary. Her homemade feeder camera setup captures incredible pictures of a variety of species remotely as they enjoy tasty bird feed. Lisa originally began taking photos to share with her…

Jill The Squirrel Most Famous Pet on Instagram

This Squirrel Was Rescued From Hurricane Isaac And Refuses To Go To Sleep Without Her Teddy

This squirrel name called “Jill” was rescued from hurricane Isaac and refuses to go to sleep without her teddy. Jill is the 10-year-old and most famous squirrel on Instagram with more than 690K followers. Jill was rescued from hurricane Isaac after it hit Louisiana in August 2012. According to her…

Glistening Green Tanager

Meet Glistening Green Tanager, The Bird Looks Just Like A Neon Highlighter

The glistening-green tanager (Chlorochrysa phoenicotis) is a species of bird in the family Thraupidae. It is found in Colombia and Ecuador. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. Males are almost entirely bright glistening emerald green, with small gray patches behind and below the eye with another…

Comedic Stray Cats On The Streets By Masayuki Oki

This Japanese Photographer Captures Comedic Stray Cats On The Streets

Japanese photographer Masayuki Oki captures comedic stray cats on the streets. This Tokyo-based photographer is not your usual street photographer, instead of photographing urban landscapes, street style, or architecture, his lens targets the cute little wanderers of Tokyo. He fills his social media pages with his quirky and often hilarious…

Meet Barry A Gloster Canary Bird

Meet Barry, A Gloster Canary That Has A Fabulous Bowl Feathercut

Meet Barry, a Gloster Canary that has a fabulous bowl feather cut. Gloster Canaries were bred to be small, short, and stubby with 3/4 inches, and come in many color variations including green, yellow, and cinnamon. Like all canaries, the Gloster Canary is a singing bird, though it is louder…

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