Tag : American Photographer

An Amazing Documentary Film About Street Photographer Vivian Maier

We are glad to share this amazing Documentary Film shot by “BBC Imagine” about American Street Photographer Vivian Maier. Vivian Dorothy Maier (February 1, 1926 – April 21, 2009) was an American street photographer. Maier worked for about forty years as a nanny, mostly in Chicago’s North Shore, pursuing photography…

An Inspiring Talk By Master Photographer Joel Meyerowitz About His Photography Journey

Joel Meyerowitz was born in New York on March 6, 1938. He began his photography journey in 1962 and was an early advocate of the use of color during a time when there was significant resistance to the idea of color photography as serious art. In 1962, inspired by seeing Robert…

Forrest Walker – This American Photographer Inspires Us With A Unique Vision For Street Photography

One of the best street photographer interview recent times. Forrest shoots the real flavor of street photography in a unique style and it’s definitely inspiring. In this fine interview with 121clicks.com, Forrest shares some wonderful thoughts with us. Thanks for accepting our invitation. Read on… Harar, Ethiopia Could you please…

Gareth Bragdon Shoots Unseen Street Photographs Which Are Clearly Stunning

Gareth Bragdon from Scotland shows us his mind blowing photographs on street photography. In this fine Interview with 121clicks.com, Gareth shares some great thoughts on the lines of art and photography. After reading his answers I was really moved and had a great respect to this photographer. Thanks, Gareth for…

America In A Trance – Photo Story by Niko J. Kallianiotis

For “America in a Trance”, I’m investigating and respond as I travel through towns and cities across the state of Pennsylvania, a once prosperous and vibrant region where the notion of small town values and sustainable small businesses thrived under the sheltered wings of American Industry. A mode to promote…

Jamie Livingston From America Took A Polaroid Every Day For 18 Years Until The Day He Died

Jamie Livingston start this polaroid project on March 31st 1979. He decided to take a picture every day with his Polaroid SX-70 Camera. He continued this project for 18 years until the day he died in 1997. For more info: Jamie Livingston – Some photos of that day (View photos…

From Chaos to Calmness – Tammy Schild takes through her beautiful journey with Photography

Tammy Schild is from North Carolina, one of my favorite photographers on Flickr in the recent times. A very creative person close to dear nature, Tammy’s love for nature photography comes from her beautiful childhood. In this amazing interview with 121clicks.com, she shares lot of amazing memories, photography serving as…

12 Inspiring Photography Quotes from Master Photographer Steve McCurry

Here we have collected some inspiring sayings/quotes from Master Photographer Steve McCurry. One Photographer who is famous all over the globe arguably for one picture he shot in his life time named as the afghan girl. Steve McCurry doesn’t need much of an introduction amongst the photographers as well as…

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