Myself Sriram Raghavan freelance cinematographer/photographer from Chennai, India. I have graduated in Digital filmmaking from SAE college in the year 2012, and I have started photography in year 2010. In a decade I have tried to express my feelings via photography as much as I can.
For me photography is like meditation where Light speaks and shadow listens I just love to observe their conversation.
My Camera Gear:
Click on the picture for an enlarged view.

You can find Sriram Raghavan on the Web:
All the pictures in this post are copyrighted to Sriram Raghavan. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.
Loved it
Thank you
Excellent photos
Thank you
Superb photos!
Thank you
Excellant pics…
……..great skill……
Thank you
Thank you
Good one !!!! Especially the man walking in red water
Thank you …