Maria Kallin, a nature photographer from the city of Stockholm. She loves to capture the wonderful artsy feel in the flowers and says she almost draws inspiration from a lot of photographers out there. Maria’s pictures start to speak of a dream with the subtle colors and innocent contrasts, a self-learned photographer who had this ardent love for flowers and nature right from her childhood.

To add more to this beautiful post, we have some floral answers too.

Soul Pleasing Photography by Maria Kallin

Can you please introduce yourself?

I live in Stockholm (Sweden) with my boyfriend, his two sons, and my dog Freya. I was born in a smaller town in Sweden but have lived in Stockholm since 1998. I have been working as an application developer and right now I am studying full time. I study Social Informatics and take photos in my free time.

Strangely I remember exactly where I took all of my photos, even if it is just a photo of grass, and even more strange – I have the worst sense of location and always go in the wrong direction when I go off a bus or comes out of a store or something like that. I have no idea how these two can match together in the same brain?!

How did you choose Floral Photography?

I have always been interested in nature and flowers. I have a photo of me with a bunch of picked flowers in my hand at age 4. I love the colors, the shapes and details of the flowers. They are natures art. So it was very natural for me to start shoot flowers when I got my first camera.

Your gear?

I use a Nikon D90 and Nikon D800 to take my photos. The lens I use the most is Tamron 90mm f/2.8.

How did you shoot these amazingly dreamy captures?

Oh thank you! : -).

I usually set my cameras in aperture or manual mode to get what I aim for. I love to use a shallow depth of field to really make the flower or whatever subject I am photographing to be in focus with that dreamy bokeh/blurry background.

Then I post process all of my photos to get en even more “dreamy” look, I play with the shadows/highlights, curves, levels and contrast in Photoshop to get this look. I always shoot in RAW to be able to change the white balance and other settings after I have uploaded the photo on my computer.

Your Inspiration and few words of advice for our readers?

My inspiration comes from a lot of other photographers on the Internet (mostly at Pinterest and flickr) as well as from illustrators, artists and everyday surroundings.

If I would give any advice to you it would be to experiment, you do not have to have the most fancy or expensive camera gear to be able to produce beautiful photos. The most important thing is to get to know your camera to be able to make the best out of it. Do not be afraid of using the manual mode.

Try different settings and see the difference between the outcome. Look at other photos exif information and try to replicate them and see what comes out. And people that says you cannot shoot in the sun in the middle of the day, of course you can, you can for example take beautiful backlit photos and play with the sun and shades. Find out what works for you and eventually you will find your own style.

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

Soul Pleasing Nature Photography by Swedish Photographer Maria Kallin

You can find Maria Kallin on the Web:

All the pictures in this post are copyrighted to Maria Kallin. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.