Prashanth Swaminathan is a photographer from Chennai, India. He works as a full-time writer in Zoho Corp. His photographs are very minimalistic and artistic. In his words, “I don’t like and understand complicated stuff. I am not good with Mathematics. I like things that look and feel simple. In fact, I cannot visually anything that’s complex and hard. Simple things are naturally beautiful. That’s why I like to photograph simple pictures.”
Thanks Prashanth, for accepting our invite. Please read on…
Could you please introduce yourself?
I’m Prashanth from Chennai. I work as a writer at Zoho Corp. I like Chennai-made biriyani, illustrations and a few of my friends.
Could you please share your childhood memories towards arts?
As a kid, I wasn’t interested in art except for drawing class hours. I tried learning piano and failed miserably. I was in 3rd grade 🙂
How did you develop an interest in photography?
I studied bachelors in Madras Christian College. A photography competition was announced by the college cultural board. I was in the second year at that time. A classmate of mine named, Emmanuel and myself participated in that competition. We wandered around Chennai with the thought of clicking good photos. You guessed it, right? We failed to do so and apparently, the college cultural board never declared the results for that competition. That’s how I got introduced to photography. After some years, it was CWC (Chennai Weekend Clickers) that helped me do photography, changed me as a person and changed my life forever. Most of my friends are from CWC now. In fact, if CWC is removed from my phone book, I would be left with no person to contact. (Almost factual :-))
How did you train yourself to observe such beauty in the daily mundane stuff?
Nothing of that sorts. Like everyone, I like things that are beautiful. And like everyone, I get bored with the mechanical life every now and then. Looking at beautiful things is a good past time. No one gets tired of beauty, at least I don’t 🙂
There is a minimalism and simplicity in your photographs. Few words about this?
Actually, I don’t like and understand complicated stuff. I am not good with Mathematics. I like things that look and feel simple. In fact, I cannot visually anything that’s complex and hard. Simple things are naturally beautiful. That’s why I like to photograph simple pictures.
Your idea between classic and contemporary photography?
Classic photographs is a blueprint to whatever we shoot today. The blueprint is a toned down word. We all copy and replicate from what’s already done. What matters is how good we steal, process and continue doing it. Today’s contemporary is tomorrow’s classic.
What difference does photography create in your life?
Photography gave me good friends, a career and the freedom to travel.
In your idea, what makes a good photograph?
A good photograph is one that’s shot without any compromise. By compromise, I mean- Shooting for your audience, limelight, documentary project grant, for the sake of exhibiting and associated factors. In a good photograph, It’s just the photographer and the final photo that’s got something in mutual. No one else has got a room.
Few words about Your friends & family support for your photography?
I am what I am today because of my parents, friends and Dorathe-My life partner, soul mate, and everything. She’s an artist too 🙂
What is the best compliment you received so far?
Not yet. I’ll take this gesture of yours (the interview) as a compliment.
What is your opinion about Social media popularity?
Being famous on social media is like having chronic condition that needs immediate attention. Social media has killed our rock solid real life conversations and exchanges. So, social media popularity is a topic that needs to be laughed at. Sadly, I use social media.
Any favorite photography books?
My photographer friend- Ashok Saravanan Ay shares all his photo books with us. My favorite one is Genesis by Sebastiao Salgado. It’s a must-see.
What’s your personal motto?
Yet to be formulated. I don’t think I’ll ever do 🙂
Who are your real-life heroes?
Some of my CWC friends, my partner and family are those who inspire me.
What is Love?
Love is anything and everything. For me, It’s my partner.
Would you mind sharing us your future goals and ambition?
I wish to travel as much as I can. I don’t wish to sit down with memories of a boring life when I am old. I want diamonds up here in the head when I am old to think and cherish about.
Apart from photography, tell me about your hobbies and interests?
Latest one is driving a car. Evergreen ones are watching movies that matter and getting to know the life of people who make such movies.
Thanks again for providing 121 Clicks with this opportunity to interview you. Any final thoughts for our readers?
I feel everything looks and feels complicated in the present time. As I said, I fail to understand and like such things. If you’re one like me, start making simple art that matter to you. Complexity is boring and not good for the humanity 🙂 Cheers!
You can find Prashanth Swaminathan on the Web:
All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Prashanth Swaminathan. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.
1 comment
Loved your thought about simplicity… Congrats..